Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Hardly Har-Har


                    I will leave this here BEFORE my Bi-Polar Lunar-see* manifests as rant, tirade, harangue and cluster-fuck-brew-har-har*.   I CANNOT  Trust myself despite an Intellectual For-bear-ance* that somehow evaporates to reveal dried spit and spattle* --- the congestive residuals of Fury-laden Thoughts gone the way of Misanthrope Polygamy*.  

          Solutions have been OBVIOUS since The Debacle of Crimea---UN FORCE to blockade Ukraine in the Caspian Sea ,,,  UN Air Cover  and the IMMEDIATE Acceptance of Ukraine in NATO .

          And yet......................................................................and yet ..................................... .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

The Con of Viction

                     There WAS a general [if not steadfast] Conviction among the {moronic} Geo-Political Intelligentsia that putin's* "Position" could NOT be challenged nor assailed by Any-ONE nor Any BODY.  Recent Events have overturned that Conviction .   Here it is where we must not ignore the Mandate of the Ancients, the one that DEMANDS "all things MUST be 'thrown-up' against a COSMIC Background".  Here now the evidence of a Primary Parallel = = =  Prigoahzn IZ* trump in trump's most barbaric if not flat-out SAVAGE ID-eration*.  Here it is where putin's Authority is CONDEMNED by an Empiric minded "Wanna-be" .   So it is with Biden {and HIS Democracy} and trump .




Orwell Hell

                     The Media has informed us that the Democrap* Hierarchy is DEEPLY Concerned that the Chance of a trump re-election has entered the Realm of IMMEDIATE Probability .   Here it is where Pigs have INDEED grown Wings, that, ice cubes HAVE survived the Brimstone, and Hell-Fires of Hatred, Rage and Fury--the very FUEL Negativity and dare I say EVIL .  Democratic Squalor-Indigents BELIEVED  Trump  had  NO  Chance  --  a  Belief  foundationed*  upon Incredulity and the {fucking} "Science" of "Magical Thinking".   Look at what has befallen those of Childhood Dilapidation .

          Of all those eligible to Vote barely HALF affirm the Obligation of Citizen Responsibility---should the OTHER Half now seek JUSTICE in the Form of a trump re-election,, the entire Nation would succumb to an Oppression PERFECTLY conceived by George Orwell in his 1984.  There would be no Escape, indeed, how COULD there be  ?



In Gaud We Lust

                    Some-time-ago* I had a sickening realization that "Myth" had become Religion---it was followed by an even more frightening identification that Trump is now perceived as being  >>>Invincible<<<.   I have yet to recover............................................... .

          It is generally believed that HALF of the American Nation does NOT consider Biden as "Legit"--that Biden STOLE the Victory from Trump in some sort of ruthless Action and THAT "Criminality" was the cause of the Jan. 6  RIOT .   

          You can see it rite* ?   The Myth of the Big Lie has become a Religion with Trump as the All-Seeing, All KNOWING, Omnipresent Conscious, an Entity DEVOID of Sin, Guilt and {of course} Shame--- a Political BEING whose Will CANNOT be Challenged nor Assailed by the derelict Unworthy whose sole {Soul} Interest is the Public Humiliation and Incarceration of what is perceived to be a DIVINE Presence .  Trump can do no Wrong, for how can a DIVINE Being be cast as HUMAN ???


The Emperor has no close...


                    The headaches have arrived with quasi-punishing severity.   Try as I mite* I can't escape the Energy of Planetary Chaos, a Chaos whose anchor is Human-planned Misery.  >It's< like the smoke from Canadian WildFires*--reaching across the Atlantic, choking the Sun itself, reaching the ground as stench and toxic Irritant. 

          It is as if the Energy of Strife has contaminated each Day with a "broad-ranged" Delusion, a one of Continental Emotional Corruption---the one that {somehow} denies Reality and suffuses Existence with Beliefs and Superstitions that promote head-banging Discharges of "HOW-THE-FUCK-CAN-THIS-BE-HAPPENING ?"

          Without Truth, the RELIANCE upon Truth, ConsciousNess* experiences a "Free-Fall".  Here it is where Truth is GRAVITY...the Very Essence of "What-Holds-Us" to Planetary Psyche---the Shared Commonality of "What-It MEANS" to be Human.


Monday, June 12, 2023

The "Flim-Flam" Man


                    Outdoors it is freakishly balmy.   I headed there now.

          Mythologist Dr. Joseph Campbell resigns, "In the end, ALL problems are the result of a 'restricted' Consciousness".  Consciousness here INCLUDES the Un-Conscious .   The Un-Conscious has it its store ALL the rudiments of Conscious Thinking and Behavior .   Dysfamiliarity* with the Un-Conscious causes both Whim and Fancy the frolic of IR-Rationality which is then manifested as piss-poor decision making and "in-the-box" suffocation.  Worse, Imagination is brought to choking Despair, Change is condemned because it evokes Fear---CHILDHOOD Fear---  a Fear that neutralizes Futuristic Adventure .  

Rock Steady....Steady az She goze ... .

"Romper" Doom

                     I just can't write that Politicians and the so-called Ruling Elite did NOT graduate from "Sesame Street" as the REASON for their Ideology of Political Cruelty.  For SURE Ignorance and Moral Depravity is the result of a Self-Centered-Ness* that GUARANTEES a "What's-In-It-For-ME ??" "World View".  This "What's-In-It-For-ME ??" is BARELY one step above "The Law of the Jungle" which cites "Eat or be Eaten" as  Primal Instinct.  There is this Corollary to "Eat or be Eaten" and it is, "Every Man For Himself".   Vonnegut cynics,  "God gave us two hands so we could steal all we can".  {Take what you can --- do NOT think about anyone else .}  

          I have argued elsewhere that the Stories, Fables, Tales and Rhymes- those of Childhood Voice, SEEM to have eluded those-that-govern .  I have also stated that "Common Sense"--those thyngs* that we need  and  USE  for  Intuitive Reasoning,   are  to  be  found among those Very Same .  We LEARN What is Right and What is Wrong THROUGH the medium of story-telling .  Religions are no different .  




"Toys For Tots"

                     Good, honest and decent folk, American Citizens all, can't seem to discern Truth from Falsity.  Political Pundits EVERYWHERE have dejectedly resigned the demise of Discernment from the General Public aka the Body/Mind Politic.  I have wondered if both 'Good' and 'Evil' have intimate enmeshment with "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil"--if so what is the source of THAT ?   

          Maybe that "Source" isn't {a} Source at all .  

          Robert Pirsig takes special time to address the Source of  Rationality- where Rationality is the Knowledge used to direct personal and Political >Will<.   Our everyday Decisions USES Rationality as PRIMARY Influencer* and demotes Emotionality to IR-Rationality (for the most part with good Reason).  Pirsig points to Homer and his The Iliad and The Odyssey as THE Source for Western-Kind's Intellectual Foundation .   We ACT according to the Way the Ancient Greeks 'saw' things.  

          Olympian Influence has endured DESPITE the wholesale slaughter of the gods by Anti-Olympians and Pagans as well .  What HAS Survived is all the ROMANCE that the gods have supplied over what seems like EONS .   Olympians dwell-ed* in Pure Beauty---a Perfect World-- a World in which THEY had an Influence that {sure as shit} manifested as Authority.  The Will of the Gods was NOT to be questioned.  The PROBLEM was that the Olympians' Influence was predicated upon WHIM & FANCY.  Worse, they were petty, unscrupulous, vindictive and CRUEL . To them, {we} Humans were TOYS .


"I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream"


                    Having my material censored by FaceBook has been egregiously debilitating.   It's all "fun + games" until the Censor flushes all your shit down the toilette.   You can feel the Problem---Political Opinion is suppose to be a Guarantee of Democracy Tolerance, we are encouraged to "Speak our minds" and "Express ourselves" yet the present environmental milieu is SO toxic because of >>Hate< that even my not-so-modest efforts are deemed UNFIT for reader consumption.  I confess ~~~~~~there IS Hatred in my rhetoric---I HATE InJustice---I HATE the Lies, Falsities, Delinquents* and Deceit that IS the American Political Theater.  That HATRED is manifested within my blogs, knowingly--with intent to Influence and Inform.  There is this one :  "Say what you mean and MEAN what you say".  I LIVE by that Literary Maxim.  There is also this one :  "If you haven't got anything GOOD to say, then DON'T say anything."  THOSE  words, "...get caught in [my] throat like vomit..." .

Friday, June 2, 2023

The Law of Order


                    Korean, Japanese and Chinese Landscape Art seeks to ENHANCE the Beauty of Mother Nature .  This `Notion` SEEMS to be counter-intuitive and it may be IN FACT counter intuitive since exactly HOW can Perfection itself be Enhanced ???   

          One of Physics PRIMARY Insistences* is this :  The Course of Nature is ALWAYS towards MASS Entropy .  Here it is where Mother Nature will PHUQ* any and ALL Life in order to guarantee 

                                                    P-A-N-O-R-A-M-I-C  Visual Viscosity .   

          Now there are some of us who CAN appreciate Mother Nature's "Square-Inch" Fecundity ---I am not one.  Mother Natue is a "WILD One" who must be tamed with shovel, axe, spade and hoe .   Here it is where the ORDER of Mother Earth MUST be imposed on her Twin .   The Law of Mass Entropy MUST-BE balanced by the Law of Order .   


Rock Steady ........ Steady az She goze....

Enhancement Enchantment

                     The Deal is "Enhancement".   Monks and Nuns are EXPECTED to 'enhance' their Temple's Environment when they have completed the day's tasks, fulfilled their Meditation obligations , and finished their daily Training.  There is PRECIOUS-LITTLE time for the self indulgence of nap, indeed, sleeping itself is FROWNED-UPON since monks and nuns routinely subject themselves to barely four hours of sleep each night.  ANY "free-time" SHOULD-BE spent with said Enhancement---and just so you know,,  'free-time'   is referred to as {get this} LUXURY Time.   Go figure ............. 



"Sky Pilot"

                     I fed the kittens.  They are quiet now .  

          The past tw o* months caught up to me yesterday---my feets* hurt so bad I was unable to walk .  I did manage to remove 14 TONS of bittersweet from Phil and Donna's trellis/gateway .   All that remains is one or tw o wheelbarrows of potting soil I heaped into a pile .  Other than that, their front yard/space looks neat and clean.

          Phil is a home-schooled Chemist / Botanist of sorts.  He grows Marijuana hydroponically and he is not short of Alchemical genius as well.   He brings me "sweets  and treats" periodically, his wife a Baking MASTER ---the BEST chocolate chip cookies OF ALL TIME  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          THC actually provides a relaxed condition that promotes physical activity--I schyte* you not.  Somehow it opens a channel to a reservoir of Energy untapped by Conscious-Ness .   I can move about with the "greatest of ease"---SLOWLY ever so fucking SLOWLY ---but it is steady movement  nonetheless.   Here it is where I believe THC changes [modifies] Time .   It effects the brain in such a way that Reality IS, in FACT, altered .   




Moze Art


                    Every so often someone posts a quote from my Hero, Hemann Hesse .    I am instantly reminded that I vowed to continue his work and enhance his Vision by inserting Zen and Martial Arts into his "Schema".   Hesse was purported to have written Steppenwolf as a parallel to Mozart's "Magic Flute".  I was stunned .   To write words as notes of Music ~~~~~~~~~~

          To compose Music---to write a Composition ---------it's all there with the >it< being Totality .