Good, honest and decent folk, American Citizens all, can't seem to discern Truth from Falsity. Political Pundits EVERYWHERE have dejectedly resigned the demise of Discernment from the General Public aka the Body/Mind Politic. I have wondered if both 'Good' and 'Evil' have intimate enmeshment with "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil"--if so what is the source of THAT ?
Maybe that "Source" isn't {a} Source at all .
Robert Pirsig takes special time to address the Source of Rationality- where Rationality is the Knowledge used to direct personal and Political >Will<. Our everyday Decisions USES Rationality as PRIMARY Influencer* and demotes Emotionality to IR-Rationality (for the most part with good Reason). Pirsig points to Homer and his The Iliad and The Odyssey as THE Source for Western-Kind's Intellectual Foundation . We ACT according to the Way the Ancient Greeks 'saw' things.
Olympian Influence has endured DESPITE the wholesale slaughter of the gods by Anti-Olympians and Pagans as well . What HAS Survived is all the ROMANCE that the gods have supplied over what seems like EONS . Olympians dwell-ed* in Pure Beauty---a Perfect World-- a World in which THEY had an Influence that {sure as shit} manifested as Authority. The Will of the Gods was NOT to be questioned. The PROBLEM was that the Olympians' Influence was predicated upon WHIM & FANCY. Worse, they were petty, unscrupulous, vindictive and CRUEL . To them, {we} Humans were TOYS .