Friday, June 2, 2023

"Sky Pilot"

                     I fed the kittens.  They are quiet now .  

          The past tw o* months caught up to me yesterday---my feets* hurt so bad I was unable to walk .  I did manage to remove 14 TONS of bittersweet from Phil and Donna's trellis/gateway .   All that remains is one or tw o wheelbarrows of potting soil I heaped into a pile .  Other than that, their front yard/space looks neat and clean.

          Phil is a home-schooled Chemist / Botanist of sorts.  He grows Marijuana hydroponically and he is not short of Alchemical genius as well.   He brings me "sweets  and treats" periodically, his wife a Baking MASTER ---the BEST chocolate chip cookies OF ALL TIME  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          THC actually provides a relaxed condition that promotes physical activity--I schyte* you not.  Somehow it opens a channel to a reservoir of Energy untapped by Conscious-Ness .   I can move about with the "greatest of ease"---SLOWLY ever so fucking SLOWLY ---but it is steady movement  nonetheless.   Here it is where I believe THC changes [modifies] Time .   It effects the brain in such a way that Reality IS, in FACT, altered .   




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