Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Emperor has no close...


                    The headaches have arrived with quasi-punishing severity.   Try as I mite* I can't escape the Energy of Planetary Chaos, a Chaos whose anchor is Human-planned Misery.  >It's< like the smoke from Canadian WildFires*--reaching across the Atlantic, choking the Sun itself, reaching the ground as stench and toxic Irritant. 

          It is as if the Energy of Strife has contaminated each Day with a "broad-ranged" Delusion, a one of Continental Emotional Corruption---the one that {somehow} denies Reality and suffuses Existence with Beliefs and Superstitions that promote head-banging Discharges of "HOW-THE-FUCK-CAN-THIS-BE-HAPPENING ?"

          Without Truth, the RELIANCE upon Truth, ConsciousNess* experiences a "Free-Fall".  Here it is where Truth is GRAVITY...the Very Essence of "What-Holds-Us" to Planetary Psyche---the Shared Commonality of "What-It MEANS" to be Human.


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