Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Orwell Hell

                     The Media has informed us that the Democrap* Hierarchy is DEEPLY Concerned that the Chance of a trump re-election has entered the Realm of IMMEDIATE Probability .   Here it is where Pigs have INDEED grown Wings, that, ice cubes HAVE survived the Brimstone, and Hell-Fires of Hatred, Rage and Fury--the very FUEL Negativity and dare I say EVIL .  Democratic Squalor-Indigents BELIEVED  Trump  had  NO  Chance  --  a  Belief  foundationed*  upon Incredulity and the {fucking} "Science" of "Magical Thinking".   Look at what has befallen those of Childhood Dilapidation .

          Of all those eligible to Vote barely HALF affirm the Obligation of Citizen Responsibility---should the OTHER Half now seek JUSTICE in the Form of a trump re-election,, the entire Nation would succumb to an Oppression PERFECTLY conceived by George Orwell in his 1984.  There would be no Escape, indeed, how COULD there be  ?



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