Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Con of Viction

                     There WAS a general [if not steadfast] Conviction among the {moronic} Geo-Political Intelligentsia that putin's* "Position" could NOT be challenged nor assailed by Any-ONE nor Any BODY.  Recent Events have overturned that Conviction .   Here it is where we must not ignore the Mandate of the Ancients, the one that DEMANDS "all things MUST be 'thrown-up' against a COSMIC Background".  Here now the evidence of a Primary Parallel = = =  Prigoahzn IZ* trump in trump's most barbaric if not flat-out SAVAGE ID-eration*.  Here it is where putin's Authority is CONDEMNED by an Empiric minded "Wanna-be" .   So it is with Biden {and HIS Democracy} and trump .




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