Monday, June 12, 2023

"Romper" Doom

                     I just can't write that Politicians and the so-called Ruling Elite did NOT graduate from "Sesame Street" as the REASON for their Ideology of Political Cruelty.  For SURE Ignorance and Moral Depravity is the result of a Self-Centered-Ness* that GUARANTEES a "What's-In-It-For-ME ??" "World View".  This "What's-In-It-For-ME ??" is BARELY one step above "The Law of the Jungle" which cites "Eat or be Eaten" as  Primal Instinct.  There is this Corollary to "Eat or be Eaten" and it is, "Every Man For Himself".   Vonnegut cynics,  "God gave us two hands so we could steal all we can".  {Take what you can --- do NOT think about anyone else .}  

          I have argued elsewhere that the Stories, Fables, Tales and Rhymes- those of Childhood Voice, SEEM to have eluded those-that-govern .  I have also stated that "Common Sense"--those thyngs* that we need  and  USE  for  Intuitive Reasoning,   are  to  be  found among those Very Same .  We LEARN What is Right and What is Wrong THROUGH the medium of story-telling .  Religions are no different .  




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