Wednesday, June 28, 2023

In Gaud We Lust

                    Some-time-ago* I had a sickening realization that "Myth" had become Religion---it was followed by an even more frightening identification that Trump is now perceived as being  >>>Invincible<<<.   I have yet to recover............................................... .

          It is generally believed that HALF of the American Nation does NOT consider Biden as "Legit"--that Biden STOLE the Victory from Trump in some sort of ruthless Action and THAT "Criminality" was the cause of the Jan. 6  RIOT .   

          You can see it rite* ?   The Myth of the Big Lie has become a Religion with Trump as the All-Seeing, All KNOWING, Omnipresent Conscious, an Entity DEVOID of Sin, Guilt and {of course} Shame--- a Political BEING whose Will CANNOT be Challenged nor Assailed by the derelict Unworthy whose sole {Soul} Interest is the Public Humiliation and Incarceration of what is perceived to be a DIVINE Presence .  Trump can do no Wrong, for how can a DIVINE Being be cast as HUMAN ???


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