Monday, June 12, 2023

The "Flim-Flam" Man


                    Outdoors it is freakishly balmy.   I headed there now.

          Mythologist Dr. Joseph Campbell resigns, "In the end, ALL problems are the result of a 'restricted' Consciousness".  Consciousness here INCLUDES the Un-Conscious .   The Un-Conscious has it its store ALL the rudiments of Conscious Thinking and Behavior .   Dysfamiliarity* with the Un-Conscious causes both Whim and Fancy the frolic of IR-Rationality which is then manifested as piss-poor decision making and "in-the-box" suffocation.  Worse, Imagination is brought to choking Despair, Change is condemned because it evokes Fear---CHILDHOOD Fear---  a Fear that neutralizes Futuristic Adventure .  

Rock Steady....Steady az She goze ... .

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