Monday, June 12, 2023

"I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream"


                    Having my material censored by FaceBook has been egregiously debilitating.   It's all "fun + games" until the Censor flushes all your shit down the toilette.   You can feel the Problem---Political Opinion is suppose to be a Guarantee of Democracy Tolerance, we are encouraged to "Speak our minds" and "Express ourselves" yet the present environmental milieu is SO toxic because of >>Hate< that even my not-so-modest efforts are deemed UNFIT for reader consumption.  I confess ~~~~~~there IS Hatred in my rhetoric---I HATE InJustice---I HATE the Lies, Falsities, Delinquents* and Deceit that IS the American Political Theater.  That HATRED is manifested within my blogs, knowingly--with intent to Influence and Inform.  There is this one :  "Say what you mean and MEAN what you say".  I LIVE by that Literary Maxim.  There is also this one :  "If you haven't got anything GOOD to say, then DON'T say anything."  THOSE  words, "...get caught in [my] throat like vomit..." .

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