Friday, June 2, 2023

The Law of Order


                    Korean, Japanese and Chinese Landscape Art seeks to ENHANCE the Beauty of Mother Nature .  This `Notion` SEEMS to be counter-intuitive and it may be IN FACT counter intuitive since exactly HOW can Perfection itself be Enhanced ???   

          One of Physics PRIMARY Insistences* is this :  The Course of Nature is ALWAYS towards MASS Entropy .  Here it is where Mother Nature will PHUQ* any and ALL Life in order to guarantee 

                                                    P-A-N-O-R-A-M-I-C  Visual Viscosity .   

          Now there are some of us who CAN appreciate Mother Nature's "Square-Inch" Fecundity ---I am not one.  Mother Natue is a "WILD One" who must be tamed with shovel, axe, spade and hoe .   Here it is where the ORDER of Mother Earth MUST be imposed on her Twin .   The Law of Mass Entropy MUST-BE balanced by the Law of Order .   


Rock Steady ........ Steady az She goze....

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