Tuesday, August 20, 2024

"Coming apart at the 'seems' "

                              Unifying the Country SEEMS like a good idea .   Taxing  the  SUPER-Wealthy  and  the Wealthy  SEEMS  like  a  good  idea .   Wanting  Health  Car e for  All  SEEMS   like a good idea .   "Fixing" the scotus SEEMS like a good idea .   The democrats have "Lofty" ideals that reach into and beyond the Clouds ~~~ all those ideals SEEM to Validate a utopic Trajectory that itself VALUES Political Altruism .  Question :   Are those good ideas CAPABLE of Actualization, meaning, How the fuck are they to be manifested in political and governmental REALITY ???????  I mean it this way, "Money talks and bullshit walks ".   You can't eat Ideas,  they are like flowers = they look good and smell great but they can't keep you alive --- only REAL Food can .

This for THAT

                             Not that I even searched, but I have not found a fairy tale, story or myth that would counter the Three Little Pigs' Terror by REMOVING the Wolf .   Their Security is fleeting at best, at worst thoroughly Suspect .    They exhausted their first option :  to build structures that would withstand the FORCE of Wolf's Wind --which we have just now discredited .  They could certainly MOVE-- to get OUT of Wolf's Territory --- a Something un or dys-concidered* OR they could go on the Offensive and seek to dys-place* the Wolf ---OR they could hobble or somehow cripple the Wolf ;  let him live but be incapable of inflicting Wolf Wind upon them .   THAT Story has yet to be written .   You can see it rite* ?   ... to have modest PHYSICAL Protection, yet suffer the anguish and Pain of Territorial Proximity .   I mean, there's THAT .

Monday, August 19, 2024

Pigness is Goodness

                              At it's most elemental , trump is none-other than "The BIG Bad Wolf" .   We know the BB Wolf from the 1886 work of James Halliwell Phillips in The Nursery Rhymes of England {and Disney}.   Clearly, (using this overview)  [transparency]  Harris  is  one  of  the  "3 Little Pigs" but which one ?     

              We can define the Personality of each by the structure each uses as protection from the tornadic force of the Wolf's bellows .    The "smartest" piggy has built a structure that manifests as Fortress and as such is MORE-THAN Protective but does it REALLY end the TERROR that the Wolf inflicts ?   As good as it is it does NOT .   The Fortress has been dutifully constructed of the FINEST Materials at hand but it CANNOT arrest the MENTAL Terror of knowing that the Wolf is still nearby and can come a-howling at his every whim and fancy .  Not good .

              What can be done ?   What SHOULD be done ?????


                             ... the $20 word for Multiple Personality Disorder ... also once referred to as "Dementia Praecox" the $50 tag ... .

              I must use Schizophrenia to describe the `Spl it* Condition of the American Psyche .    America is divided into 2 Warring Factions DESPITE all the Ties-that-bind-us INCLUDING the "Same-Land-One-Country" EARTH upon which every Citizen stands .   Schizophrenia DEFIES "Two heads are better than one" but cradles "Too many cooks spoil the soup" .   

              We MUST ask, "How the fuck is Schizophrenia treated ?"   What is to be done to release the bonds that bind the truly Blind to trump and Trumpism ?   Harris and hers have stubbornly expressed their desire to "unify" America and Americans .  I aint buying it  not for a dime and not even for a nickle ... .   Elsewhere I have used Geology to describe the CATACLYSMAL Shift from "One Nation Under God" to "Make America Great Again"~~a Shift I value as a TECTONIC ... meaning returning America to a Unified Whole is as unlikely as South America rejoining Africa ---- ... .  It aint-gonna happen --- certainly not Now and MAYBE forever .  

              So then ------- what ?????

"...take a gander..."

                            I "painted myself into a corner" yesterday;  I had NO Intention of dead-ending* myself with the Oedipus Complex, that's why I left [it] unfinished .   The situation exists, however, that analysis of the Oedipus Complex can and SHOULD-BE applied to [the] American Political Reservation* in that, as  any  GOOD  General  will tell you, "The Army must act as  ONE  "Man" {or Woman as the case may be} .   Here the Collective Conscious IS the American Political Reservation--the Psychology of the Individual IS the Psychology of the Collective Conscious .   {{"What's good for the goose is good for the gander."}}



... a puddle of Love ...

                              I repeatedly tell myself ; `I'm-gonna write on the next rainy day` :  well, it's raining now and I DON'T-wanna write .   

             Had I  preference I wood* rite* about the qitten* in my lap .   She came IN from OUT -- her fur mottled with GIANT rain drops ... .   I went to the open window to listen :  soft pitter-patter* but still moving leaves gently---ever so gently ---- I-wanna be able to write with that gentleness, the softness of luxury --- it's silk ... .

             She's on my lap, curled and purring --- her qitten body a warm cuddle --- she's a puddle of Love .

Sunday, August 18, 2024

"Father Knows Best"

                              Check out where my head is "at" .   To say, "The grass is blue" is to utter a lie.  Watch this :  It is TRUE that "The grass is blue" is a lie .  The 'lie' holds nearby, Truth .   Trump's BIG LIE is EASILY recognized as The Truth .   I don't like it--------not one bit .

             We've all asked ;  "Why the fuck can't trumpists NOT >>> SEE<<< the Truth of the BIG LIE ?"   They can't because they CAN'T.   I contend that it is the Un-Conscious that has dutifully connected 'Lie' with Pleasure-ality* --- that it is COMFORTING and PLEASURABLE to maintain Dys-Truth* as Truth .   There is rabid CONTENTMENT within narrational* CONTENT of the BIG LIE since on an UnConscious level folks NEED confirmation of their INSTINCTUAL {Familial} Sublimations* ["Father Knows Best"] .   Trump's BIG LIE brings highly sought-after PEACE to the Damaged and Deformed ---  here it is where Oedipus reigns .

The Pointer Sisters

                             The Pointer Sisters offered this Seduction, "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir" which translates, "Do you want to sleep with me tonight ?"   I hazard that the intent is the same as "Do you want to lie with me, tonight?" .   I project >lie< as seductive .   Here now MAYBE the Essence of the BIG Lie, that of Seduction, i.e., the so-called "Promise of Perfection" .    THAT is what trump and his are offering, the PROMISE of Perfection, the quilted `Perfection` of the Antebellum South, the RETURN to Washingtonian Capitalism, that of Slavery gone the way of grotesque Feudalism .   You gotta ask, How the Fuck can the Lie be Seductive ?  You gotta answer, Because it affords the PLEASURE of Satisfaction, the Knowledge that one and one's own are PROTECTED by a Government that VALUED Slavery and ALL its malcontention* as Utopic in Form, Scale and Measure .  Somehow, LYING is a PLEASURABLE Act .

Christopher Marlowe

                             During the intense Silence that followed the conclusion of "You Can't Always Get What You Want" this`arrived` :   "Lie with me that we may find some Peace" .   It was as if I had been crushed by a 2 ton pallet of brick .   I've yet to recover {hence this morning's Effort} .

             From our 16th Century Literature we recall Marlowe's "Come live with me and be my Love" which is surely a "back-drop" to "Lie with me..." .   I confess, when this line 'appeared' my 'head' was swimming in clusterfuck of images, and derived reasonings* and a forlorn Logic that DEMANDED ---> Voice .   Above all else the word "Lie" was featured as ULTIMATE >> Declaration of Love and just as Good if not COMPLETELY Worse, 'Lie" as ULTIMATE Betrayal .   

            I chained the line directly to trump because {Oddly} it made 'Sense' to do so .  Here, Lie IS the BIG LIE, the LIE of the "Stolen Election", the Lie that is presently THE "Narrative" of trump and Trumpism, the Lie that is now on the level of Myth ~~~ the Lie that is currently the FOUNDATION of  American Political Anathema .   Certainly trump and his have found PEACE within this Lie .   They have found "Satisfaction" with their worshipful* commitment to >it< and trump .

Marty Galozin

                              I've taken to spending some time getting 'inside' a couple of Albums-turned-CD's --- there is Healing Energy within the "Good Vibrations" which is  ampLIFIED by using my headphones AND it is as if I am receiving {Old School} "Electro-Shock Therapy" ,,, at least it is so in my Mind.   Presently I'm trying to memorize "Let It Bleed" by the Stones and "Cats On The Coast" by Sea Level .    I've come to Imagine that "Let It Bleed" has Signature Secrets, i.e., Zen Messages scripted as day-to-day Experience .   The first `track` on Let It Bleed is titled "Gimme Shelter", the last, "You Can't Always Get What You Want" .   Indeed,,  the first song of "Cats On The Coast" is, "that's your secret" .   Now WHY I'm taking the time to commit these albums/CD'S to memory is NOT for this morning's delivery --- what IS open is the 'messaging'---Truth {Insight} via Frequency and Vibrational* Excitement --- words 'pounded' by Electrical Power to elicit and enhance Body/Mind Realization .   The Music makes us FEEL Truth .

             Fellow student and hockey chum Marty Galozin once told a chick, "I know you like to be alone, I like to be alone too, how bout we hook up so we can be alone together ?"

Friday, August 9, 2024

The Hamlin Maneuver

                             Elsewhere,, I have chained "The Pied Piper of Hamlin" to trump .   It was an attempt to explain a 'mysterious' >>> Sound <<< as an `Intoxication` that compels children to abandon Reality and to pursue {pursue is VERY unsatisfactory here} this Sound where-ever it takes them [in the Case Of The Pied Piper inside a Mountain where a Paradise exists {existed}] .   At its essence trump's >> Offering<< is of a paradisacal nature i.e., the Return to what is perceived as a Utopia,,, the Antebellum South .   Was it the SOUND of trump's Voice ????    Did he SOUND like an All-Knowing Father {"Father Knows Best"} and therefore MUST be obeyed unquestioningly ?   Is HALF A NATION literally "under the spell" of the SOUND of his Voice ???   Uhhhhhhhh ...... .

                OBVIOUSLY there's more to it than THAT .    Trump has a 'working vocabulary' [daily common-most speech] that a 10 year old was glad to be rid of .   Folks UNDERSTOOD his words and sentences causing an Identification [here Identification is acceptable] with him .   He used THEIR words and sentences [as speech patterns] .   Trump's "Normal" was/is THEIR Normal --- his speech was THEIR speech .   The word here is "vicarious" --- they saw themselves inside {and through} trump .   His Voice was THEIR Voice  --- the Voice of the People .   

"...the clover thick and warm..."

                              According to the "polls" the Race remains as 50-50 --- half the Nation regards trump as their >>> Voice <<< .   Please forgive an old man for using 'Bewildering' once more ,  but 'it' is bewildering that half a Nation has, as its Personification, a geriatrified*, criminally insane numskull {numbskull} .   I mean, shit, does `that` 'make' half a Nation geriatrified numskulls ????    Uhhhhhh ... .

              Recently the phrase "Voice of the People" has entered Mainstrean and Mainriver Flow in the context of Working Class Identification --- {I must resort to Identification although there should be a better noun-as-adjective to describe and define this "context"} .   Indeed, both Harris and Walz have been labelled {tagged} with {from} the Working Class ---  it's ALMOST too much to "swallow" but I will .  You hear Walz and his Voice is PURE --- not so much with Harris,, but her 'sing-songy' delivery FEELS Maternally lullaby-ic, and therefore resonates as 'thick and warm' .  {Emily Dickenson poetries this Beauty of a sultry and simmering summer day   =    "...the clover thick and warm..." } .





the so-called 'hyphenated split-beat'

                              I watched trump's "presser" yesterday aft, it bordered on being unbearable .    Unbearable and bewildering --- ... ~~~ ( ... ) .   This sub-human is the Choice of MILLIONS : : : are they to be considered sub-human as well ?    Close----------ever so fucking close .

            There's 'meandering' and then there's delusion .   To say that he is delusional is romantic, sorta, in that delusion MAY be considered an excuse --- as if and as though there is an underlying perhaps chemical imbalance that is the cause .   I'm not-gonna give him that......... .   I prefer an 'ego-centricity' that manifests as maniacal imbecility ,  the word for that is 'ego-maniac' --- in a sentence, trump is an EGOMANIAC ---and richer still ,,, the hyphenated split-beat = EGO-MANIAC .  

             He compared Martin Luther King's "Crowd" to his own --- Citing his was Equal --- which infers that he is King's Equal ~~~~~~~~~  you want Delusion ??????   Here it is .  


Thursday, August 8, 2024

A Fate "Worse than Death"


                             Is there a "Fate worse than Death" ?   Of course, existence in Hell is the Obvious---Perpetual Unremitting Suffering .   So it will be should trump 'get' elected .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .

"This is THIS"

                              I was searching for a way or a 'something' that would more clearly identify Harris and Walz as something other than "Dangerously Liberal" -- a one that would BOLDFACE their DIRECT Opposition to trump and trumpism in such a way that RE-Defines Democracy and its Traits and Characteristics , hence "Humanist".   Harris and Walz are HUMANISTS as opposed to trump who is an ANIMALIST* .   At their Inmost Being both Harris and Walz CHERISH "Human Decency" whereas trump and his savages are brutish hominids of the rank and file of Soul-less bipeds .   


Miss Understanding

                             When pressed I refer to myself as a Militant Idealist .   My Militant Idealism manifests as "Scholastic Humanism" --- an appellation clearly suspect in so many ways .   People 'freak me out' ESPECIALLY when I'm not 'paying attention'.   My raw Hatred is episodic in Nature --surely a Source if not the Origin of a Bi-Polarism that I {UNreasonably} Value .   I "work" from this desk and this lap-top-- the Scholar's "end" ---- and the "Humanism" derives ITS Power from Buddhism and Zen .   I write this kwik note so that youze* gize can appreciate the WHY of Why I LOVE Harris and Walz .  I BELIEVE they have "RIGHT" Ideals AND the Necessary Morals and Ethical Values that are in accordance with the Rhymes and Rhythms of Civilizational Progression .   Question is, Can they Fight and can they Fight DIRTY ???????



                             Everybody was "in Love" with John F. as well,,, remember that ?  It was Kennedy who declared that Communism had-to be stopped in Vietnam .   He was a WAR-rior .   You'd think he'd figured out that War is NEVER "the Answer" and is, by COSMIC Definition, ALWAYS "The Answer" .    Here now, "Freedom WHATEVER the Cost" --->  Liberalism at its grotesque WORST .   And yet the Nation was In LOVE with him, indeed, the media referred to the White House as "Camelot" :  Romance entering the Bloodstream of a Nation that remained in WWII Ecstasy ................................. .

            It's happening once more as Kamala can be strued* as Kamalot --- the Idealist whose Utopic Vision is "Pie-In-The-Sky" delicious despite the pie being Opium =  Opieum .   Her "Happy Warrior" is EGREGIOUS at  EVERY-FUCKING-LEVEL .   It's that same Romance that blinded us to Vietnam and the fucking HUBRIS that we could neutralize the Spread of Communism and save an entire Nation from an existence of Communist Servitude .    She wants to 'Save' our Nation from the Bloodlust of Fascism---Noble in itself---but does that "IT" contain Hubris ????    Remember trump's Proclamation, "I Alone Can Fix It."


                              It ain't "just" Harris, it's What she and hers REPRESENT .    Liberals are said to possess a "Wide-Open" Mind,  the Mind of Ideals, the Mind of Utopic Vision .   The "Foundation" of Liberality is a Consciousness that VALIDATES and [therefore] AFFIRMS the Higher Order Reasoning that itself CONFIRMS the abject NECESSITY of TOLERATION, the Toleration = the Acceptance of other Humans in the SAME "sense" of Familial Toleration, the one wherein Blood-Love supersedes the REJECTION of one's kin on the basis of disapproval of traits and characteristics that may be foreign to one's own .   

              Liberality IS "Humanity"--- the WILLINGNESS to View Others as part of a GLOBAL "Extended Family" AND to Aid those of Lesser Means --- the Poor, the Weak, the Old and the Infirm .   You can see the Problem, it's the Problem of the Cobbler .   Liberals are considered DANGEROUS because they are willing  to sacrifice their children's welfare [in this instance shoes] to provide welfare for NON-Family Others .   This "IT" goes AGAINST "Common Sense" `Reckoning` -- the one that DEMANDS "Family FIRST".  

"Kitty's Back"


                             The sky is battle-ship gray---the air soft and cool---everything is saturated ~~~everything hurts ... .

             When I got into the cave "The Wild, The Innocent, and The E-Street Shuffle" was reverberating in "Surround Sound" Splendor,: ;  I went from THAT to Harris's Plan to deal with Migrationism* --- and from THERE to "The cobbler's children have no shoes" .     I thought of writing about NEGLECTING what is right in front of her [US] and her Foreign Policy generally .   

              You gotta ask, What is MOST Important ?   Is Harris gonna be the "cobbler" ?  The tradesman who MUST put food on the table and therefore sell ALL his goods ?   Or the tradesman who cares for HIS children FIRST and then sells what remains ?    You qidz smell chicken and eggs ?   

               I mean it this way :  Do his kids want to EAT or go hungry because they have shoes ?   The answer is self-evident .

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Nut-Cracker

                              Harris and hers aint-gonna do a god-damned fucking thing without the House and Senate which at this point are CLEARLY under trumplican* Pressure .   All the Happiness and Joy presently on view is, in my mind, nothing more than an expression of RELIEF that Joe bowed out as a TRUE Champion and NOT as some entity of Political Inevitability .    I want more than smiling faces and joyful countenances --  I want Harris to be ready and ABLE to kick trump in the BALLS and then LAUGH in his face .   Can she do that ????????

"Dangerous Liberals"

                         Biden is wasting OUR Time by focusing on the scotus .   NOTHING will happen because nothing CAN happen .   He should be DOING "Everything Possible" to neutralize the trumpocracy's* Efforts to control Election Results and the Certification of the Outcome .   It is as if damnocraps have FORGOTTEN  what  happened  to  Clinton --- wining the Popular vote and LOSING the Electoral College .   The IDEA of a Female Pres has BLINDED the damnocraps once again .   Folks can't pump Ideas into their gas tanks nor pay for food with Promises .   

Gas Holes

                         The BIGGEST and BEST of the SUPER-BRAINS have issued Warnings of CATACLYSMAL Failure of the Election Mechanics --- those Mechanisms which validate and then count ballots .   The INSANE Right has ALREADY declared FRAUD --- meaning, they will NOT   accept any outcome which does not have their Candidate(s) as Victorious .   You can smell this SHIT on Mars .

             Like me, the damnocraps* are rabidly successful at Failure .   Harris and hers are focused on projecting a Future of Health, Wealth and Prosperity--- somethings* that are indicative of "Pie-In-The-Sky" dysreasoning* = Love of the PROMISE of Perfection --- which IGNORES the "Meat and Potatoes" of 'Kitchen Table' Economics --- the ones of Rent, Groceries, Electricity and Insurances .   I find their egregious Optimism as Socio/Political Malfeasance .   

             The slogan, "When we fight we WIN" meets 7th Grade debauchery with, 

                                 "You wanna fight ?   Stick your head up my ass and fight for air" .