Sunday, August 18, 2024

"Father Knows Best"

                              Check out where my head is "at" .   To say, "The grass is blue" is to utter a lie.  Watch this :  It is TRUE that "The grass is blue" is a lie .  The 'lie' holds nearby, Truth .   Trump's BIG LIE is EASILY recognized as The Truth .   I don't like it--------not one bit .

             We've all asked ;  "Why the fuck can't trumpists NOT >>> SEE<<< the Truth of the BIG LIE ?"   They can't because they CAN'T.   I contend that it is the Un-Conscious that has dutifully connected 'Lie' with Pleasure-ality* --- that it is COMFORTING and PLEASURABLE to maintain Dys-Truth* as Truth .   There is rabid CONTENTMENT within narrational* CONTENT of the BIG LIE since on an UnConscious level folks NEED confirmation of their INSTINCTUAL {Familial} Sublimations* ["Father Knows Best"] .   Trump's BIG LIE brings highly sought-after PEACE to the Damaged and Deformed ---  here it is where Oedipus reigns .

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