Thursday, August 8, 2024

Miss Understanding

                             When pressed I refer to myself as a Militant Idealist .   My Militant Idealism manifests as "Scholastic Humanism" --- an appellation clearly suspect in so many ways .   People 'freak me out' ESPECIALLY when I'm not 'paying attention'.   My raw Hatred is episodic in Nature --surely a Source if not the Origin of a Bi-Polarism that I {UNreasonably} Value .   I "work" from this desk and this lap-top-- the Scholar's "end" ---- and the "Humanism" derives ITS Power from Buddhism and Zen .   I write this kwik note so that youze* gize can appreciate the WHY of Why I LOVE Harris and Walz .  I BELIEVE they have "RIGHT" Ideals AND the Necessary Morals and Ethical Values that are in accordance with the Rhymes and Rhythms of Civilizational Progression .   Question is, Can they Fight and can they Fight DIRTY ???????


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