Friday, August 9, 2024

"...the clover thick and warm..."

                              According to the "polls" the Race remains as 50-50 --- half the Nation regards trump as their >>> Voice <<< .   Please forgive an old man for using 'Bewildering' once more ,  but 'it' is bewildering that half a Nation has, as its Personification, a geriatrified*, criminally insane numskull {numbskull} .   I mean, shit, does `that` 'make' half a Nation geriatrified numskulls ????    Uhhhhhh ... .

              Recently the phrase "Voice of the People" has entered Mainstrean and Mainriver Flow in the context of Working Class Identification --- {I must resort to Identification although there should be a better noun-as-adjective to describe and define this "context"} .   Indeed, both Harris and Walz have been labelled {tagged} with {from} the Working Class ---  it's ALMOST too much to "swallow" but I will .  You hear Walz and his Voice is PURE --- not so much with Harris,, but her 'sing-songy' delivery FEELS Maternally lullaby-ic, and therefore resonates as 'thick and warm' .  {Emily Dickenson poetries this Beauty of a sultry and simmering summer day   =    "...the clover thick and warm..." } .





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