Thursday, August 8, 2024

"Kitty's Back"


                             The sky is battle-ship gray---the air soft and cool---everything is saturated ~~~everything hurts ... .

             When I got into the cave "The Wild, The Innocent, and The E-Street Shuffle" was reverberating in "Surround Sound" Splendor,: ;  I went from THAT to Harris's Plan to deal with Migrationism* --- and from THERE to "The cobbler's children have no shoes" .     I thought of writing about NEGLECTING what is right in front of her [US] and her Foreign Policy generally .   

              You gotta ask, What is MOST Important ?   Is Harris gonna be the "cobbler" ?  The tradesman who MUST put food on the table and therefore sell ALL his goods ?   Or the tradesman who cares for HIS children FIRST and then sells what remains ?    You qidz smell chicken and eggs ?   

               I mean it this way :  Do his kids want to EAT or go hungry because they have shoes ?   The answer is self-evident .

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