Monday, August 19, 2024


                             ... the $20 word for Multiple Personality Disorder ... also once referred to as "Dementia Praecox" the $50 tag ... .

              I must use Schizophrenia to describe the `Spl it* Condition of the American Psyche .    America is divided into 2 Warring Factions DESPITE all the Ties-that-bind-us INCLUDING the "Same-Land-One-Country" EARTH upon which every Citizen stands .   Schizophrenia DEFIES "Two heads are better than one" but cradles "Too many cooks spoil the soup" .   

              We MUST ask, "How the fuck is Schizophrenia treated ?"   What is to be done to release the bonds that bind the truly Blind to trump and Trumpism ?   Harris and hers have stubbornly expressed their desire to "unify" America and Americans .  I aint buying it  not for a dime and not even for a nickle ... .   Elsewhere I have used Geology to describe the CATACLYSMAL Shift from "One Nation Under God" to "Make America Great Again"~~a Shift I value as a TECTONIC ... meaning returning America to a Unified Whole is as unlikely as South America rejoining Africa ---- ... .  It aint-gonna happen --- certainly not Now and MAYBE forever .  

              So then ------- what ?????

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