Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Gas Holes

                         The BIGGEST and BEST of the SUPER-BRAINS have issued Warnings of CATACLYSMAL Failure of the Election Mechanics --- those Mechanisms which validate and then count ballots .   The INSANE Right has ALREADY declared FRAUD --- meaning, they will NOT   accept any outcome which does not have their Candidate(s) as Victorious .   You can smell this SHIT on Mars .

             Like me, the damnocraps* are rabidly successful at Failure .   Harris and hers are focused on projecting a Future of Health, Wealth and Prosperity--- somethings* that are indicative of "Pie-In-The-Sky" dysreasoning* = Love of the PROMISE of Perfection --- which IGNORES the "Meat and Potatoes" of 'Kitchen Table' Economics --- the ones of Rent, Groceries, Electricity and Insurances .   I find their egregious Optimism as Socio/Political Malfeasance .   

             The slogan, "When we fight we WIN" meets 7th Grade debauchery with, 

                                 "You wanna fight ?   Stick your head up my ass and fight for air" .  

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