Thursday, August 8, 2024


                             Everybody was "in Love" with John F. as well,,, remember that ?  It was Kennedy who declared that Communism had-to be stopped in Vietnam .   He was a WAR-rior .   You'd think he'd figured out that War is NEVER "the Answer" and is, by COSMIC Definition, ALWAYS "The Answer" .    Here now, "Freedom WHATEVER the Cost" --->  Liberalism at its grotesque WORST .   And yet the Nation was In LOVE with him, indeed, the media referred to the White House as "Camelot" :  Romance entering the Bloodstream of a Nation that remained in WWII Ecstasy ................................. .

            It's happening once more as Kamala can be strued* as Kamalot --- the Idealist whose Utopic Vision is "Pie-In-The-Sky" delicious despite the pie being Opium =  Opieum .   Her "Happy Warrior" is EGREGIOUS at  EVERY-FUCKING-LEVEL .   It's that same Romance that blinded us to Vietnam and the fucking HUBRIS that we could neutralize the Spread of Communism and save an entire Nation from an existence of Communist Servitude .    She wants to 'Save' our Nation from the Bloodlust of Fascism---Noble in itself---but does that "IT" contain Hubris ????    Remember trump's Proclamation, "I Alone Can Fix It."

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