Friday, February 28, 2025


                        Folks saw musk with that chainsaw and no one commented that he's the S. African Chainsaw Maniac .   Musk  has single-handedly  sent  THOUSANDS  to   their career  DEATH .   He ain't just a KILLER chainsaw FREAK -- no and FUCK NO --  he's a   SLAUGHTER-MAN .     Musk considers the Poor and Poverty Stricken  as >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PARASITES<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  on the Body Politic;  a  Condition  HE  THINKS  requires  nothing  short  of    TOTAL >>>>>>> ERADICATION .  He won't stop because his BLOOD-LUST knows no bounds .  

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Canada vs CAN'T-ada

                      Canada  --- is america now CAN'T ADA ?       {I'm jus' sayin'} .    Canada did it RIGHT with "Cradle-To-Grave" Life & Death Care .   Recently Canada has been harangued for NOT contributing ENOUGH to its Defense Budget choosing instead to funnel Monies into its HEALTHCARE System .   COMMENDABLE on EVERY Level .

           Canada may not use the term Socialism but nevertheless what they have IS [a Form of] Socialism .

           Canada is "doing OK" whereas Can'tada is a fucking open cesspool .  


                        Providing  mere  description  does  NOT  effectuate  a  repair  of  a  broken  Condition-of- Reality .    MILLIONS of you haven't asked me, "Well, what, EXACTLY 'comes next' ??   I fully contend that democracy is a "stepping stone" toward {you guessed it} SOCIALISM --- But NOT the Socialism of Brazil nor Venezuela !!!   AOC* and hers insist on using the term :  "Democratic Socialism" to advance a more REALISTIC "Approach" to Governmental Evolution .   I prefer MY term :  Political Altruism -- to be applied to Governmental Responsibility to its Citizens .   Folks are SCARED of Socialism bc they view it as an  ADJUNCT  to  COMMUNISM .    It isn't .

Dick Tator

                       You qidz* KNOW I am no fan of democracy --- folks insist that because democracy has a `self-nature`  that  is  both   weak and  FRAGILE  we  must  {somehow}  Secure  its  maintenance  by {unrealistic}  unremitting  Vigilance .    As  an  Alcoholic,,,   I   AM   a --->  BYG FAN   of Unremitting VIGILANCE bc for me it IS "a matter of Lyfe* & Death" and I can assure You, I want LYFE {LYPHE} .

            The ISSUE is one of Evolution {as far as I can "see"} .   Democracy has truly 'eaten' itself in that democracy  is  the  Source  and  CAUSE  of   american  TYRANNY .    NEVER FORGET  that  it  was  DEMOCRACY .  Trump was elected "Fair & Square" by his army of rank-ass ZOMBIES .  Here it is where folks USED democracy to elect a DICTATOR .  

            YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS SHIT UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Nothing comes from Nothing."

                       I must impress upon you that it was DEMOCRACY that 'brought-about' trump and musk's "Kingship" --- TYRANNY if you want to be Truthful .   During Bush-the -Stupid's "reign" there were MASSIVE Industrial Migrations that turned America's Industrial Heartland into "Death Valley" .   The so-called republicans at that time DID NOTHING to stem the tide that was washing out job after job leaving MILLIONS "in the dust" of a global Futurism* gone HORRIBLY rwong* .   During Pelosi's "reign", when the rats had the BIG THREE, ---------NOTHING was done about corporational* migration, nor was there ANY >>> EFFORT to reconcile these HUGE Losses with some sort of Government Intervention that would 'care for' those who had built their lives upon their home-town Industries .    

           Meanwhile, back at the Raunch*, the republicans were USING DEMOCRACY to gain majorities in MANY States --- sometimes with "back alley" -- "dead of night"  SAVAGERY .    Pelosi and hers DID NOTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   As King Lear resigned :  "Nothing comes from Nothing."

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

"Beyond Human Ken"

                       What can be said about the American SUPPORT for putin's WAR ???????????????????


           And yet ...................................................................................................

           And yet .......................................................................................................................... .

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Shoshana Zuboff

                       I hazard that I am among the Few who manged to traverse Piketty's Capital , in that same {sorta} Path is Shoshana Zuboff's THE AGE OF SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM .       Her Book is the size of a BIBLE with  a  staggering  525  pages  of  absolute  BRILLIANCE .   She  writes  like  George Orwell  had he Einsteinian Genetics .   

          The "broligarchy" wants to CONTROL our Minds {so that} they can FORCE US TO BUY their wares, all the way from cells to laptops; from cars to mops; from groceries to luxuries --- in which not only do they profit handsomely but HIDEOUSLY UGLY as well .  

           I need you gyze* to KNOW that sukerberg is ALREADY 'fast friends' with MANY wanna-be DICTATORS from around the globe --- he does THEIR 'bidding' while harvesting SPECTACULAR [business] Results .   

           Know this about them  --- when everything is "all told" these assholes COULD END WORLD HUNGER .  


                       Some Time Ago in the "Way Before" I listened to a SUPER-Brain speculate on "the jobs of the Future".   It was SAVAGELY BRUTAL .   Based on socio-economic PATTERNS,, he envisioned that the ONLY jobs available to the Masses were those that MAINTAINED the Properties of "The Rich and Famous"  as  SERVANTS,  {{{SLAVES}}},,  grounds-keepers  and  the  like .   He  supposed  that  the Industrial Working Class would  cease to exist   bc of robots and AI .  His words STUNNED me,  his postulates seem logically convincing .  I sat still -------  aghast .


                        I picked-up some shit yesterday and I need to offer it to  you  my  Readers  because it was  SO  punishingly  poignant .  Truth is,  I  don't  want  to  have  it  on  my back  and  my  chest  all day .   

               One of Wallace's guests, [yesterday aft] was Dr. Julie Posetti, who coined the word "broligarchy' to tag SUCKerberg , musk and bezos,, but when she was plied about their mental origins regarding their wealth-as-ideation*  she  responded  with  a  vivid description of their Inmost Psyche .   I'm certain Dr. Posetti  will  forgive  an  old man as he wades through the 'broligarchy'  cesspool/bog,, please follow her lead .

              These asshole BELIEVE that they are the TRUE Rulers of this our Society and Culture and they BELIEVE that THEY are FULLY QUALIFIED to Rule the Masses because the MASSES are VASTLY INFERIOR to them .   She continued nonplussed despite the ENORMITY of this 'qualification' .   She went further :   they BELIEVE that they ARE BORN WITH A DIVINE RIGHT TO RULE !!!!!!!!!!       I'm tellin' you Qidz, you CAN'T "make this shit up" .!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, February 21, 2025

'dirty mind'

                       ALLLLLLL of us have heard, "I don't have any TIME to meditate ."   Although "You can't fix stupid" you CAN remedy the illness of delusion .    Hayes has tagged 'it' a "daily constitutional" where daily is self-evident and 'constitutional' is `old man` for a something YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT .  {I'm jus' sayin'} .    Not-having-time is bullshit of course !!  When I attack, "You have time to shower ?"  and listen to "Well I just can't NOT shower",  I supply this :  You MAKE time to shower --- the same can be true of Meditation >>>>>>>>>> which is a form of MENTAL HYGIENE <<<<<<<<<< .    You can dig it" rite ???   Of course you can ---  I mean shit ---why walk about with a "dirty mind"  ??????

Purple Hayes

                       What follows is what I found on p.77 [...Sirens'...] :  

                                         "For many years I have, like an old man, taken a daily constitutional .   I began in my early twenties when I was a freelance writer, which meant working all day at home or in coffee shops .   I  found  it  useful to go for a walk and clear my head each day .   I'd go even on the  bitterest  days  of  a  Chicago  winter, when the wind slices at your face like a blade .    I started doing this before the days of the smart-phone and even before the days of podcasts on the iPod .    During the walk I would just ... think .   I'd let my  Almost wander .   Alack to my most without exception, my best thinking happened on these walks .   I would come back to my laptop, sometimes almost racing up the steps to my apartment, to get the thoughts down and onto the page."

                  "Been there, done that ."

"Blessed Event"

                       I'm not exactly "in deep" with Chris Hayes' newest, THE SIRENS' CALL, in fact, I'm only on p.77 ,,  but he's written some stuff that I find personally rewarding .       

           Some time ago, when Twitter was still Twitter,, Hayes wrote something that I responded to .   INCREDIBLY Hayes "called me out" with "It's probably not that simple" .   I was STUNNED that someone of his caliber would even CONSIDER replying to my missive, yet there it was >>> there HE was .   I printed his reply and have it stored in my {make-believe} Vault .

           }My Hero{ Robert Pirsig, described the time he found a philosopher who wrote some things that Pirsig, himself, was "working on" .  Prisig went on to write how PLEASED he was that Someone Else was also "working on" those very Same Things .  He expresses 'it' beautifully ;  "When you meet someone else who is doing what you are doing `it` is something of a BLESSED EVENT !"  

          I'm there on that .




Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Will the 'woke' wake uP ?

                       I've begun thinking that the utter lack of  an APPROPRIATE Response to trumpism is because the rats  are playing their own secret game of "Who-Wants-To-Be-The-Next-Pres?" .    Terrified Citizens, and I am among Them, are DEMANDING Rat BACKLASH if for no other Reason than to exhibit at least SOME Form of MILITANT Opposition .   The so-called 'Militant' Opposition is a reliance upon KNOWN Strategies and Tactics which DIRECTLY CONFRONT the Forces of Obscuration-al* Rhetoric and puerile Polemics .   There have been noteworthy Responses by INDIVIDUALS mostly as "Encounters" with the Enemy but these are 1 v 1 skirmishes that are as "Band-Aids on bleeding arteries".   2 words : : WE NEED SO MUCH MORE  !!!!  

Un-Civil WAR

                      Every time I hear a democRAT use 'colleague' as a tag for trumpists my FURY knows no bounds .  You can hear it rite ?   The trumpists are doing EVERYTHING to eviscerate {the guts of} the Collective Body Politic while the rats watch-on with scarcely a flinch of Interest .   I HATE them for this 'That' .    BYG and SUPER-Brains have agreed that the BEST "Course of ACTION" is to stand as a FORCE and execute a COUNTER -STRIKE to the trumpists' DAILY Onslaught of Lies, Excuses, Blames and Attacks on THE MIDDLE CLASS .   As soon as an EO is broadcast the Counter-CULTURE must KICK-IN  to establish Truth as ORDER, as well as applying whatever-can-act as a 'neutralizing agent' .  

            I've told you Qats -  It's WAR ! 


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

No 'True' in Truce

                       I need you gyze* to remember that South-east Ukraine has the pipelines that carry fuel to Europe and THAT'S why putin wants to annex that territory, that he may GUARANTEE fuel transport .   It's bullshit of course --- I mean, on the surface, 'it's' plausible enough but International LAW prohibits such wanton Territorial Savagery .   The Ukraine Northland IS "Bread-basket" of both Europe and AFRICA .   For all intents and purposes Ukraine FEEDS Africa .   Should Ukraine Fall it would TRANSFORM Russian economy from where it is now = to ITALY , to a WORLD POWER .     (Recall that Pakistan has nuclear warheads as well and IT can hardly be considered a "World Power" .)

          Logically it is IMPOSSIBLE ---> to miss this :  Defending Ukraine is Defending Europe and the African  Starving-Poor against ANY Future Famine .     Should putin succeed, he will be able to FURTHER "leverage" Europe's Politics by dint of Threat [Food Supply] .   His success would COMPLETELY compromise ANY European Sovereignty{where Sovereignty means {true} Independence} .   

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Don't Wait Training

                       How are we to 'hold' our Minds during the 2nd Dark Ages ?    We can project forward from the Pattern of  trusk Destructions*  ---  Goodbye Medicare-Medicaid , and I suspect those greedy sons-a-bitches WON'T STOP until every poor person is bilked out of his or her Life's Savings ------ .   What's happening in America is nothing short of JUNGLE PREDATION .   Here we can tag trumpism as the GOP  GROTESQUE OPPRESSIVE PREDATORS .  But I digress .

          Once all AFFORDABLE healthcare is 'lost' it will become EXCEEDINGLY IMPERATIVE to get healthy and STAY healthy from now until Death ;   even NOW if you ain't got you no Healthcare you ain't gonna be 'Admitted' by MANY hospitals .   

          2 words :   Don't get Sick and don't get Old.  



                       There's no great 'first sentence' this morning ---  I'm dwelling in a miasma of Misery that has been building since trump 'got in' .    It ain't just my Head --- my Body is in a state of unrelenting [dys]comfort* so much so that I have begun hitting the speed bag and and doing dumb-bell work on my deltoids .   At least when the Misery hits, the workout seems to help, check that, the workout HELPS .   

            Supplying Historic Parallels is OK if your a Historian -- but if you are a Commentator of Social Events and have resorted to JUST 'Descriptions' WITHOUT significant Insights well then we have a Problem .   MY Problem is compounded bc I EXPECT to have the Capability to provide Insights and when those Insights are sparse, if nor RARE, I am left wallowing in self-contempt .   

            I ain't alone .  No one seems to know what will happen when "trusk" empties the Medicare/Medicaid Treasury and MILLIONS are ABANDONED .   

             'Trusk' can't be stopped .    

Thursday, February 13, 2025

"We'll be dying in the streets / With our children at our feet ."

                       I read a Post that clearly described the democrat mind .   It read this :  Democrats do NOT want to advance to a position of DIRECT CONFRONTATION , rather they're PERFECTLY CONTENT to KEEP the Status Quo AS IT IS  meaning :   In all this Misery and Strife, the congre$$ morons will DO NOTHING because THEY CAN'T BE HARMED BY ANY OF TRUSK'S {trump + musk = trusk}  Societal and Cultural DEMOLITIONS .   They ain't got no "skin in the game" .    What has been their Response ?  We've gone over this .   I HATE that they still refer to trumpists as COLLEAGUES .    THEY ARE FUCKING DELUSIONAL AND THEREFORE UNFIT FOR OFFICE .   

              In my Mind, we are in a WAR to protect INNOCENT Children and the old and infirm Elderly, who will SURELY Suffer from FEDERAL Removal of ------>  FOOD !!!!   

            Who will Protect those who will DIE IN THE STREETS ????    Gutter Death was one of the reasons the New Deal was devised ---- folks were DYING in the streets, and THAT was just ONE   Reason .

Athens, Rome, and Washington, D.C.

                       During "COVID" I scowled : You ain't-gonna fix Covid with MORE Covid.   I mean, did I get 'that' Right ?  If so, does this next follow Logically (?) :   You ain't-gonna fix  Democracy with MORE Democracy .  

           Mentally sound folks REFUSE to acknowledge that it was DEMOCRACY that elected trump, it was  DEMOCRACY  that  released  the Jan-6 CRIMINAL INSURRECTIONISTS .   See 'it' for what "it" is :  trump is THE FACE and VOICE of America .   Trump and Trumpism USED Democracy AGAINST ITSELF in a fucking BRILLIANT Display of Gruesomely AWESOME political CRUELTY .   

           China has mocked, "The U.S. is a FAILED State" .   ...look around... .


Wednesday, February 12, 2025


                       Tw o  Conditions  must  be  addressed,  Exhaustion  and  Dyspirition* {dys- Spirit- tion} >  which is the RESULT of unrelenting attacks on our Psyches .   There MUST-BE a "Shelter from the Storm" that houses our Safety and generates a Sense of Security--- normal folks have tagged this space "my Happy Place" which I find foolishly  simplistic .  As far as dys-spir-i-tion is concerned ;   most often even ribald Rhetoric is NOT enough to ignite Spirit , but when Music is introduced the Mind >>> AND BODY Respond  with  Dance-Moves  Exuberance .    Here  it is  where  an   "empty tank"  can  be  refueled in minutes !!!    Believe it .

"Zenyatta Mondatta"

                       The opening line ["How can you say you're not responsible?]  of "Driven To Tears"  may be directed  to  `those  that  voted  for  trump ` while  the  last  line  of  the  Song  reflects  the  present-day Bewilderment =  "Who knows what to do?"  ---- and then there's the UTMOST Depressing = "Protest is futile" which satisfies the Expression of Helplessness .   

           To America's CREDIT a Day of Protest  >IS< scheduled for my Birthday MONDAY  February 17th--- the entire Country has this OPPORTUNITY to Protest musk + trump = trusk's hitleraian SLAUGHTER  of  American  Federal  Workers  and  the  DESTRUCTION  of  American  Democracy Institutions that house America's Heart and Soul.  But I digress ...   This morning I am 'about' the Police and their "double-shot" = "Driven To Tears" and "When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best Of What's Still Around" .   These Songs are off "Zenyata Mondatta" --- a 1980 Release from A+M Records .   

The Fires of the Furies

                       There MUST be a "SOMETHING" that is a Condition of "Pause" that is NOT "Surrender", Acquiescence, Submission, nor "Throw in the towel" [dogged Resignation] .   I KNOW I am "bummed-out"  and  my own Heart Sickness is that of POLITICAL BETRAYAL .   I am NOT who I thought I was, an individual capable of Insights based on History -- an individual who cood "Recognize Patterns" [a la Arnold J. Toynbee] -- and therefore be capable of predicting Future Occurrences that are well within the Realm of Probability .   Sadly no ---------however ... .

           We ain't a Country that's COMPLETELY  "Down and out" {for the 'Count'} " but I'm CERTAIN "things are-gonna get worse" and they may not be getting better in this Lifetime .   What are we to do with [the Energies of] our Heart Sickness, Rage and FURY ?   Is there an Antidote that we can somehow Ingest that will quiet the Furies = Dirae, Eumenides, Furiae, and Semnae ???   I don't know---but if you press me I must offer MUSIC as a 'means' to dampen the Fires of the Furies .   

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

"Mars Attacks"

                       I wanted to Believe that "there are more of us than there are of them"   WOW wuz* I off on THAT !    Trump's "Approval Rating" yesterday was at >>> 51%<<< --- when asked, folks  APPROVED of ALL that president musk and (by connection) running dog  trump, they short-sighted, "He's doing everything he told us he would do ."   >>>51%<<<  I shyte* you not .

           There is a "Somewhere" that is harbor to Goodness .   The FACT that MORE  folks  AREN'T that "Good" MUST bring "Pause" to our Numbers Consideration AND our Deliberative Measures that supply Strategy and Tactics .   We  are  out-manned,  out-gunned,  out -propaganded* and  OBVIOUSLY  out-monied .   "We don't stand a chance" becomes There is no place to stand .   Worse, we are surrounded by the Enemy .   





                       The "Long-Arm" of congre$$ional Justice is SUPPOSE-TA-BE* the U.S. Marshals but since that "Arm" is part of the Justice Department, it can "do" NOTHING .   Brave Judges can issue a MILLION fucking  "Cease and Desist" Orders and trump and his can just IGNORE them "straight-away" and "out-of-hand" .   

                When Congre$$ional Orders are DYS-MISSED* {Again, the dys is from dystopic} THAT is the Constitutional CRI$$I$ we are presently Experiencing .   

Duggie Downer, Bennie Bummer

                   I'm at the end of 'it' ---'it' being my ability to gain access to and transmit Insights that are worthy of Public  Notice--  unfortunately, as you are well aware, recent writings have been nothing short of totally dys-spiriting {the 'dys' is from dystopic} .  I feel it as well .  From "here on in"  there remains only the continued establishment of the political parallels between what trump and his are doing and what hitler and his did .   When "What's-his-name" {the Altrusion?]  begs Will Farrell for Mercy,,  Farrell stiffens and retorts, "Science KNOWS No Mercy" --  I supplement it as follows, The Truth Of Political Science knows NO Mercy .   Here it is where Truth is UN-Merciful .


Saturday, February 8, 2025

"Land of the Lost"

                       There must be an anchor if the Half-Nation's Mind is to be dragged into Resistance where 'Resistance' is the maintenance of Democracy Values, Morals, Mores and {oddly} Virtues .    I must insist that this 'Anchor' was provided by one Raju Parulekar who brandished :   "An evil man will burn his own Nation TO THE GROUND just so that he can Rule over the Ashes" .   Trump has ALREADY established this Horrific* {as noun} .   President musk and his running dog lackey trump WILL NOT STOP UNTIL EVERY ASPECT and FACET of Democracy has been reduced to GAZA RUBBLE .   BELIEVE IT and be FOREWARNED !!!!!   

              Where does 'that' "leave" us ???   One Word :  In HELL .  

"All SHOW and NO GO"

                       What  ARE  the  "Somethings"   that  CAN  be  done ?????    Boycott ,  Protest  Rallies,  Sit-Ins ~~~~~~~  anyThings* else ??    I don't see how leaving a message on your representative's and senator's phone machines is-gonna do a goddamn-fucking-thing .   I've written elsewhere, they are as useless as "tits on a bull" ---  so why bother ?

             Any ASSHOLE can stand in front of locked-doors and DEMAND Entry that Communication be established {"for better AND for worse"} , and shit-headed nit-wits are actually PRAISING them for their [get this] BRAVERY .   How much more SIGNIFICANT would it have been had they driven to the WHITE HOUSE to Express THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE !!!!!!!!  I mean it this way ,   'weak' gets us there, so does >>> lame <<< .   There's a Hot Rod phrase that is far more Precise {in the way that Symbols SOMETIMES can be Precise} and it is this :  "All SHOW and NO GO" .   THEY   >>> APPEARED to be "on the Offensive" --- despite being "sincere" they were locked out by FEDERAL Law Enforcement .   THAT should have been their MESSAGE --- the ABSOLUTE >>>Removal<<< of ANY congre$$ional authority .   

The "Empty Mirror"

                                                   "Mirror Mirror on the wall"

                                                   What can be done

                                                    To save us all ??? 

            I've been writing as if  >I<  am the Mirror .   It's been my objective {Object -ive} to state the Truths so that my Readers can be informed .    Unfortunately the Truth HURTS ---  I mean shit---we KNOW  we're  getting  "fucked-over"  but  does  restating  what  we  all KNOW to be True actually beneficial ???   That question is `doubt-worthy`* .   I simply want to make CERTAIN that my Readers be Aware of the ENORMITY of the POLITICAL CATACLYSM that is ONGOING .   Unfortunately, I have been unable to devise ANY Strategy to COUNTER president musk and his BLITZKRIEG Invasion of the American Infrastructure .   I take NO solace when I see and hear BYG and SUPER-Brains  admit  they,  too,  are   >stymied<   by the sheer SPEED and FORCE of musk's {Half-Nation} JUNTA .   I argue that NO ONE expected this THIS and I add that NO ONE ---> COULD <---.


Friday, February 7, 2025

True Man

                        Trumpists have been tasked with ELIMINATING Medicare .   This is my GREATEST FEAR .   "Ever-since" {what an archaic term}  Truman and his devised Governmental and Universal Medical Assistance the Republicans have decried what they consider to be an EGREGIOUS 'waste' of THEIR money and have sought to Destroy ANY Governmental Medical Assistance -- so it SHOULDN'T be a SURPRISE that now that they have COMPLETE CONTROL OF THE GOVERNMENT they can now address  Medicare + Medicaid as "Enemies of THEIR State" .   Remember qidz THESE ASSHOLES HAVE ALL THE POWER AND THERE IS NOT EVEN ONE TO OPPOSE THEM IN A MANNER THAT WILL MAINTAIN M+M .  

             Democracy allowed and PROTECTED these shit-heads .   

NO Mercy

                       Should we "feel bad" for FBI Agents who most certainly voted for trump ?    It's long been known  that  cops,  Mil,  and  FBI  Agents  as  well  as  Other  Enforcement   Agencies  favor REPUBLICANISM .   Now that they are under DIRECT FIRE they want to be RESCUED in such a manner as to protect their jobs and to Protect them from trump's "Wild Bunch" .    The Firing of some 6,000 Special Agents will CRIPPLE that 'army' which will then obstruct their Duties to Protect us from Foreign and Domestic Terrorism .    I get that BUT ............... .   They are suppose to be our Backbone of Intelligence, but how much Intelligence can they have if they voted for trump ???

           2 words : :   "As ye sow, so shall ye reap ."  

Thursday, February 6, 2025


                       With regard to Protests it's NUMBERS that 'count' {forgive the pun} .  Yes we saw Protests yesterday but the NUMBERS weren't there .    Conspicuous by their ABSENCE are the College and University Students who you think would be OUTRAGED by the Conditions in Gaza let alone the Threat of Education Department Dismantling ---  many of their Scholarships are sourced in FEDERAL Funds --- but NOPE nary a cry nor a whisper .   Where are they ??  Why no Protest(s) ??   All of them CAN'T be Cowards, I mean, you'd think .  


Know No's

                       I am inclined to show or give NO Mercy to the congre$$ imbeciles who have Relinquished ALL congre$$ional  >> Control<< .    I am with "Drax The Destroyer" when he slams, "I see the conge$$ as paper brains" .   HOWEVER, yesterday I heard an explanation of  congre$$ional  COWARDICE that was DEEPLY Troubling .    This "it" is NOT JUST >About< Cowardice, according to the SUPER-Brain "it" was >About<  THE THREAT OF PHYSICAL INJURY .   The congre$$ional Cowards FEAR FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY AND THAT OF THEIR FAMILIES .    We MUST 'figure' that trump and his KNOW NO BOUNDS when it comes to the forced Implementation of his 2025 .   Remember, trump freed >>> 1600 <<<  CRIMINALS and they, too, have an agenda, {we can forecast} that's FRAUGHT with Vengeance and a psychotic DEMAND for Retribution .   These TRAITORS are trump's covert agents who WILL DIE FOR TRUMP .   They are FEARLESS and therefore DEADLY .  

"Mein Kamph"

                       I admit, it was HEARTENING to see the Protests in EVERY State--- these CITIZENS  are TRUE Patriots !!   I phear* it's "too little too late" but .... 

          Remember qidz, trump can do ANYTHING he wants WITHOUT punishment bc of the supreme court's decision to make every one of his [presidential] actions COMPLETELY LEGAL .    

           Folks seem to have forgotten that trump kept a copy of Mein Kamph by his bedside and even if he perused it roughshod some shit DEFINITELY 'got' into his head .   

           The absolute WORST 'thing' any of Us can do is UNDERESTIMATE him .   Look at what he's done in just >>> 2 <<< weeks .   


Wednesday, February 5, 2025


                       I watched Rachel Maddow's Program last night -- she was Praising the small if not TINY protest rallies being executed by STALWART Patriots .   Indeed, they ARE to be Commended for their Patriotism but is it  "too little, too late" ?    I mean it this way :  ya gotta figure that SOMETHING "is better than" NOTHING, ~~~~~~ this Something does NOT assuage my FURY for their lack of appropriate Response .   Notably, the what's-his-name has DEMANDED that his rats GUARANTEE they hold PUBLIC TOWN HALLS, that they may gather info and record the Sentiment of their constituents .   It's another 'Something' --- we will see if this THIS "comes into fruition" .

             One of my fav Warriors put 'it' this way :   "We gotta take a page out of the {once} Republican Playbook and use THEIR strategies and tactics AGAINST them ."    2 words : :   FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Tears For Fears"

                       Who {the fuck}  iz-gonna*  PAY  to  rebuild  Gaza ?????   During  that  BIZARRE  'presser' yesterday, trump figured to make Gaza a {fucking} RESORT 'territory' going as far to claim, "It's gonna be the "Riviera" of the Mediterranean Sea .   He added :  "There'll be THOUSANDS of jobs available to the Palestinians"--- this  DESPITE trump's Intention of REMOVING an ENTIRE POPULOUS from their once Sacred Home-Land .   As if we needed even MORE >>>Proof<<< that trump is Criminally MEGALOMANIACAL !!!!!!!!!   

"Space Invaders"

                       Ya can't make this shit up .  GAZA ?!?!?!   REALLY ????????   Ya think "it" can't get any worse and then trump unilaterally decides to "own" Gaza and Relocate around 2 MILLION Palestinians to Jordan and {what was it ---- Egypt ?} .   Most of us were still tryin' to "get our heads around" musk's INVASION of the Treasury when The Solution of the Gaza Problem Invaded our Space .    We've seen the Palestinian March Home ,  we've seen what they are returning to :  rubble, concrete dust, mangled re-rods and structures that MUST be razed before anything else .    In What will they live ?  They have been UTTERLY Dependent upon Charity-drops and trump has withdrawn USAID not only from Gaza but from the WORLD .   BYG and SUPER-Brains have already noted that HAMAS is still in Gaza which means that trump's troops will be going "door to door" [the WORST kind of combat] in order to rid Gaza of it's Most HEINOUS "Overlords" .   As I wrote above---  Ya just CAN'T make this shit up ---  no way ---no how .

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


                        >>>They<<< want us to believe that "The Courts" will uphold individual and State's Rights and in so doing obstruct president's musk's Blitzkrieg Offensive .   It's a fucking JOKE .   Even IF the Courts  DO  something  THERE  IS  NO  EFFECTIVE  AGENCY  THAT  CAN  MEET-OUT PUNISHMENT .   President musk and his "running dog" lackey dunno trump will simply IGNORE any and ALL attempts to bring them to justice .   For all intents and purposes, president musk IS THE LAW !!

"It's Over over HERE"

                       It's over -- the 'it' being Democracy .   How ugly its Fall .   I read that it took only two months for hitler to disband the German government -- shit---that's nothin' compared to trump who as accomplished the dismantling of the American gov IN TWO WEEKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

              Professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat, author of  Strongmen and Political Analyst for MSNBC, looked as though she had been crying when she warned that "We are experiencing an EMERGENCY that few folks have acknowledged ."   There have been "Warnings" -- none of which seem to have been heeded by democrats {rats} .   Trumpists have usurped Control of ALL aspects of Institutional Government while the rats have done nothing .   Let me repeat , it's over .


Monday, February 3, 2025

Blood for Treasure

                       I will leave by asking you to consider the True Nature of Sacrifice AND to acknowledge that the Cost of Victory was the SLAUGHTER of Human Life .  Here it is where KILLING one's Enemies is considered to be the ONLY Recourse available --- such is Human Nature .   Do not mistake my Sadness and Remorse for dogged Resignation ----  I'm on the Magnificent's Side and that of the Town's-folk .   Here, if they were to Stay and Fight, KILLING WAS A NECESSITY .  

                 Love the Sacrifice -- HATE the Human Nature sadly these two are enmeshed .


                       You can see it rite ?   Law and Order "don't  mean  NOTHIN'  if it ain't backed up by POWER !"   Without WEAPONRY and the Mastery of Skills necessary to WIELD that Power there would have been NO 'Victory' but what is the COST of Wielding that Power ?   

           The COST of 'Self-Sovereignty' -- the Condition of Unrestricted Licence -- was the SACRIFICE of Life  by  MANY  of  the  town's-folk  and, of course, the Lives of several Magnificents* .   Here it is where we can clearly see that the Nature of Spirit has within it the NECESSITY of Sacrifice .   There's a "telling" scene where folks who are UNWILLING to Risk [Sacrifice] their lives pack up their belongings and `wagon` out in order to Escape the Potentiality of Personal Loss .   Emma chides, "Don't take nothin' you didn't come here with" .   The Rest have the SPIRIT to remain and Fight DESPITE the "Odds" -- the very definition of "Valiant Behavior" .

The AWE in Law

                       I am imposing ---> Supernatural Aid <--- onto the Condition of Rescue but I must use the "Reduce to the Simplest" in order to correctly establish and qualify the Main Theme = Rescue .  Please don't be dismayed by the Use of Simplicity .   It is SIMPLE to set the stage of this Film by stating "Damsel in Distress" as THE  >>Plot<< but Simplicity does not and CAN NOT reveal underlying sub-plots, and leitmorifs .  No matter .   On the GRANDEST SCALE POSSIBLE the Film is "About" the Forces of Good that Oppose the Forces of Evil --- I mean, "it don't get no e-z-er*" --- We KNOW the problem with THAT --- it doesn't go far enough, w---i---d---e enough nor deep enough.    

          So what should we be considering as the "Driving Force" of this Film ?   2 words : :  SPIRIT !

           Zen Master Steve Winwood puts 'It' this way =  "Spirit is something no one destroys"  ---  Science sees It this way =  "Energy in the Universe cannot be created nor destroyed'  Spirit as Energy ..... .

"...IF YOU TRY..."

                       I believe I was well-intentioned* when I wrote that first blog-- but I confess, when an AVALANCHE of extrapolations overwhelmed me I HAD-TA withdraw from that activity to reconsider the Topic which was 'gaining access' to [Military-like] Forces that could vanquish Oppression .   I got to a point where I saw my Effort as an ACADEMIC Exercise and THAT forced me to reconsider the relevance of Academic Intrusions upon Socio-Political Aggravations .   What 'good' does it do to 'appreciate' the Symbols contained within the Film ?   So what if the character "Emma" [Halley Bennett] is Symbolic of MULTIPLE  Archetypes,  [among  them  the  Earth  Mother,  the  Siren,  {and  my  fav} ,  "Woman  as Warrior"] .   

          I'm lookin' at Miss America, Miss Liberty, Miss Justice  and the Other Misses who are CLEARLY "Damsels in Distress" in DIRE Need of UNCONDITIONED Rescue .   Are there democrats {rats} who will even CONSIDER approaching Foreign Leaders and PLEADING for their Aid ???   I don't think so .  That leaves us at "Ask and ye shall receive" -- "Seek, and ye shall find" and the BEST :  "Ya can't always get what you want, but sometimes IF YOU TRY, you get what you need."  I'm there with Mick .

"The Damsel in Distress"

                       Yesterday  was  suppose-ta*  be  'about'  receiving  Aid not from one Savior but from a Group .  After I sent out the first blog I was brought to a "screeching HALT " .   Kurosawa's Villagers and Fuque's Town's-folk DID receive {almost SUPERNATURAL} Aid from  a Cadre {consortium} of Men who had "no where else to be" and figured there was enough money in the "Job" to keep them "Interested" .   

            This Film is fraught with a plethora of motifs, leitmotifs, plots, threads of plots, and story 'lines' all of which are densely-laden with Classical Symbolism  'overlaid' with Modern Iconography . On the 'surface' the Film is 'cartoonishly'* Simplistic >>> rite out of "Rocky and Bulwinkle" who featured "Dudley Do-Rite" whose original "claim-to-fame" was the rescue of "Nell" from "Snidely Whiplash" .   The  Town's  Voice  is  that of  a Woman,  [Halley Bennett]  who  registers  as  the  Classic "Damsel in Distress" .   "Dudley Do-rite" is none other than Danzel Washington, a Black Knight, [who is] Devoted to 'upholding' the Law .



Sunday, February 2, 2025

"The Magnificent Seven"

                       Yesterday, when I suggested that 7 Nations should defend the Folks who did NOT elect trump I got upstairs to the TV Room and to my delight, the 2016 version of "The Magnificent Seven" was being broadcast, which, of course, WAS NO COINCIDENCE .   I `consulted ` Mary Jane`, and together  we  viewed  what  I  consider  to be one of the most POIGNANT Films, of this our Modern Times .   

           A kwik* reminder that "The Magnificent 7" of 1967 (?) was an HOMAGE to my ULTIMATE Director and Film-Maker Akira Kurosawa whose "SEVEN SAMURAI"  was released in 1954 .   

             The plot-line of 2016 follows, more or less, that of Kurosawa's --- a village is being ripped-off by a cadre [small army] of outlaws, and roughnecks who are commanded by a regional Criminal .   These thieves steal almost ALL the produce of the year's harvest, leaving the villages barely anything on which to live .   The Elders insist that the Council seek-out and HIRE individuals that can defend them, preferably by Destroying the army .   Their Efforts snag an out-of-work  Samurai who has Sympathy for the Villages and reluctantly agrees to aid them AFTER he solicits Others .

Saturday, February 1, 2025


                       There's a post somewhere in "Out-there" which 'tells' of "old-timers" planting trees under which they will NEVER sit .   I  get  very  little  solace  from  this  yet  this  'very little'  is enough SOMETIMES !   I confess : I wood LOVE to be read by millions upon trillions yet THAT does NOT appear to be my Fate .   No matter .   I KNOW you can be poor and STILL-BE an Intellectual GIANT, and Nicole Machiavelli is Proof .   Am I at his Level  ???  OF COURSE NOT but do I WANNA BE ?   Shit, who DOESN'T ???????

          Ain't no one comin' to "Save The Day" .   The operative word here is 'one' --- maybe it ain't-gonna be one but how about 7 ?    Suppose 7 Leaders of 7 Countries decide to bust trump's balls whenever he badmouths them and theirs ?   It may not be a Glorification of Political GOOD but it would certainly HELP Americans by AFFIRMING their RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION [HORROR] of trump's DIABOLICAL Pathos .   A few moments ago I read a post that read France would send its Troops to Greenland in Order to Protect Greenland from American Transvestite Imperialism .   THAT'S "what I'm talkin' about"  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Ship Of Fools"

                       McConnell has admitted his "only job" was to PACK the U.S. Courts with as many trumpists as were available at the time --- he was MASSIVELY successful .   Remember what they did to Smith and his .   It is FOOLHARDY to think there will be ANY  'relief'  from the scotus .   ALL trump's court-side 'battles'will be handled as Presidential Prerogatives .  I mean it this way :   Whatever trump WANTS   trump will GET    for who or what can STOP him ?????


                       In Ancient Rome the Republic chose to Oversee the CONDUCT of its Senators with a number of Guardians of the Republic they empowered .   This "it" did NOT last very long .   The Senators steadfastly REFUSED this Oversight by KILLING each and every Censor thereby eliminating ANY and all Supervision .   In this EXACT "same sense" trump+musk KILLED the Special Investigators leaving the {In}Justice Department in CATASTROPHIC Dysarray* .   

            Look at Rome now ............................................. . 

F ederal B ureau of I nsurrectionists

                        Trump has GUTTED the F.B.I. by DISPOSING of High Ranking Officials in TWENTY Cities and intends to supplant those leaders with boot-licking imbeciles .   {C}a$h Patel is "on record" :   "I will make the F.B.I. a MUSEUM of the 'deep state' " thereby CASTRATING the ENTIRE "Army" of Special Agents and rendering the "Force" to Impotent `Sterility` .    Their NU "Sworn Duty" is to PROTECT trump and trumpism by aggressively engaging in ILLEGAL "activities" which aim(s) to SILENCE political Out-speak* by ARRESTING 'ANTI-Trumpers' .   Again we ask, Can the F.B.I. be "trusted" .    Again we answer , No fucking way .

"No Way Out"

                       If you parallel* trump's electorate with that of the Mil ya-gotta figure that AT LEAST 50% of the Mil are STAUNCH trumpists since Republicanism is the chosen Pathway for the Mil .   Republicans  USE-TO  Value  the  Mil  to  the  point  of   EXTRAVAGANT INDULGENCE .   Not any longer .   When the Nation's HIGHEST RANKING Generals spoke-out AGAINST trump he REDuced the Mil to pawns, paper soldiers and despoiled {one-time} warriors .   With at least HALF the Mil as trump "toadies" can the Mil be Trusted ?    Can the Mil be expected to DISOBEY >>> UNLAWFUL <<< Commands ???   Cynicism prevents me from answering in the affirmative .   


                       We're in a predicament where "Trump lies all the time" and "We gotta believe that he will do what he says he will do" .   He DIDN'T lie about the Mass Deportations -- PROOF that what he speaks MAY or MAY NOT be a lie .   Trump "wins" either way in that his strategy, to Weaponize Chaos thereby causing  MASS  Instability,  is  [EFFECTIVELY]   DIABOLICAL GENIUS .   Kurt Vonnegut delivered this :   "When you TRUST a guy to be lyin' all the time ,  it's a {CATASTROPHIC} SHOCK  when he tells the truth ."   We have been SHOCKED .  



"Bye bye Miss American pie"

                       'Some' Folks have asserted that all we need do is wait until the '26 Elections whose results will  deliver  the  congre$$  to  its  Constitutional  Place  in  the  Gov.  and  in  that  begin  to  neutralize trump+musk's FASCISM .   I mean, that SOUNDS 'good', but WILL there be Elections ????    Presently, trump is DOING what he said he would do ---  he said that there is NO  NEED for anymore Elections , which wood OBVIOUSLY lead to COMPLETE Oligarchic Take-over of whatever remains of democracy as we use-to know it .   He has "stuck" to his words, why should we ignore his statement about the Elections .   

              Disbelief has manifested as, "This [or that] will NEVER 'happen' in this Country" .   Look at what HAS 'happened' AND "there is no end in sight" .