I watched Rachel Maddow's Program last night -- she was Praising the small if not TINY protest rallies being executed by STALWART Patriots . Indeed, they ARE to be Commended for their Patriotism but is it "too little, too late" ? I mean it this way : ya gotta figure that SOMETHING "is better than" NOTHING, ~~~~~~ this Something does NOT assuage my FURY for their lack of appropriate Response . Notably, the what's-his-name has DEMANDED that his rats GUARANTEE they hold PUBLIC TOWN HALLS, that they may gather info and record the Sentiment of their constituents . It's another 'Something' --- we will see if this THIS "comes into fruition" .
One of my fav Warriors put 'it' this way : "We gotta take a page out of the {once} Republican Playbook and use THEIR strategies and tactics AGAINST them ." 2 words : : FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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