Every time I hear a democRAT use 'colleague' as a tag for trumpists my FURY knows no bounds . You can hear it rite ? The trumpists are doing EVERYTHING to eviscerate {the guts of} the Collective Body Politic while the rats watch-on with scarcely a flinch of Interest . I HATE them for this 'That' . BYG and SUPER-Brains have agreed that the BEST "Course of ACTION" is to stand as a FORCE and execute a COUNTER -STRIKE to the trumpists' DAILY Onslaught of Lies, Excuses, Blames and Attacks on THE MIDDLE CLASS . As soon as an EO is broadcast the Counter-CULTURE must KICK-IN to establish Truth as ORDER, as well as applying whatever-can-act as a 'neutralizing agent' .
I've told you Qats - It's WAR !
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