You can see it rite ? Law and Order "don't mean NOTHIN' if it ain't backed up by POWER !" Without WEAPONRY and the Mastery of Skills necessary to WIELD that Power there would have been NO 'Victory' but what is the COST of Wielding that Power ?
The COST of 'Self-Sovereignty' -- the Condition of Unrestricted Licence -- was the SACRIFICE of Life by MANY of the town's-folk and, of course, the Lives of several Magnificents* . Here it is where we can clearly see that the Nature of Spirit has within it the NECESSITY of Sacrifice . There's a "telling" scene where folks who are UNWILLING to Risk [Sacrifice] their lives pack up their belongings and `wagon` out in order to Escape the Potentiality of Personal Loss . Emma chides, "Don't take nothin' you didn't come here with" . The Rest have the SPIRIT to remain and Fight DESPITE the "Odds" -- the very definition of "Valiant Behavior" .
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