Monday, February 3, 2025

"...IF YOU TRY..."

                       I believe I was well-intentioned* when I wrote that first blog-- but I confess, when an AVALANCHE of extrapolations overwhelmed me I HAD-TA withdraw from that activity to reconsider the Topic which was 'gaining access' to [Military-like] Forces that could vanquish Oppression .   I got to a point where I saw my Effort as an ACADEMIC Exercise and THAT forced me to reconsider the relevance of Academic Intrusions upon Socio-Political Aggravations .   What 'good' does it do to 'appreciate' the Symbols contained within the Film ?   So what if the character "Emma" [Halley Bennett] is Symbolic of MULTIPLE  Archetypes,  [among  them  the  Earth  Mother,  the  Siren,  {and  my  fav} ,  "Woman  as Warrior"] .   

          I'm lookin' at Miss America, Miss Liberty, Miss Justice  and the Other Misses who are CLEARLY "Damsels in Distress" in DIRE Need of UNCONDITIONED Rescue .   Are there democrats {rats} who will even CONSIDER approaching Foreign Leaders and PLEADING for their Aid ???   I don't think so .  That leaves us at "Ask and ye shall receive" -- "Seek, and ye shall find" and the BEST :  "Ya can't always get what you want, but sometimes IF YOU TRY, you get what you need."  I'm there with Mick .

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