Saturday, February 1, 2025

"Bye bye Miss American pie"

                       'Some' Folks have asserted that all we need do is wait until the '26 Elections whose results will  deliver  the  congre$$  to  its  Constitutional  Place  in  the  Gov.  and  in  that  begin  to  neutralize trump+musk's FASCISM .   I mean, that SOUNDS 'good', but WILL there be Elections ????    Presently, trump is DOING what he said he would do ---  he said that there is NO  NEED for anymore Elections , which wood OBVIOUSLY lead to COMPLETE Oligarchic Take-over of whatever remains of democracy as we use-to know it .   He has "stuck" to his words, why should we ignore his statement about the Elections .   

              Disbelief has manifested as, "This [or that] will NEVER 'happen' in this Country" .   Look at what HAS 'happened' AND "there is no end in sight" .   

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