Saturday, February 8, 2025

"All SHOW and NO GO"

                       What  ARE  the  "Somethings"   that  CAN  be  done ?????    Boycott ,  Protest  Rallies,  Sit-Ins ~~~~~~~  anyThings* else ??    I don't see how leaving a message on your representative's and senator's phone machines is-gonna do a goddamn-fucking-thing .   I've written elsewhere, they are as useless as "tits on a bull" ---  so why bother ?

             Any ASSHOLE can stand in front of locked-doors and DEMAND Entry that Communication be established {"for better AND for worse"} , and shit-headed nit-wits are actually PRAISING them for their [get this] BRAVERY .   How much more SIGNIFICANT would it have been had they driven to the WHITE HOUSE to Express THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE !!!!!!!!  I mean it this way ,   'weak' gets us there, so does >>> lame <<< .   There's a Hot Rod phrase that is far more Precise {in the way that Symbols SOMETIMES can be Precise} and it is this :  "All SHOW and NO GO" .   THEY   >>> APPEARED to be "on the Offensive" --- despite being "sincere" they were locked out by FEDERAL Law Enforcement .   THAT should have been their MESSAGE --- the ABSOLUTE >>>Removal<<< of ANY congre$$ional authority .   

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