I hazard that I am among the Few who manged to traverse Piketty's Capital , in that same {sorta} Path is Shoshana Zuboff's THE AGE OF SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM . Her Book is the size of a BIBLE with a staggering 525 pages of absolute BRILLIANCE . She writes like George Orwell had he Einsteinian Genetics .
The "broligarchy" wants to CONTROL our Minds {so that} they can FORCE US TO BUY their wares, all the way from cells to laptops; from cars to mops; from groceries to luxuries --- in which not only do they profit handsomely but HIDEOUSLY UGLY as well .
I need you gyze* to KNOW that sukerberg is ALREADY 'fast friends' with MANY wanna-be DICTATORS from around the globe --- he does THEIR 'bidding' while harvesting SPECTACULAR [business] Results .
Know this about them --- when everything is "all told" these assholes COULD END WORLD HUNGER .
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