Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Fires of the Furies

                       There MUST be a "SOMETHING" that is a Condition of "Pause" that is NOT "Surrender", Acquiescence, Submission, nor "Throw in the towel" [dogged Resignation] .   I KNOW I am "bummed-out"  and  my own Heart Sickness is that of POLITICAL BETRAYAL .   I am NOT who I thought I was, an individual capable of Insights based on History -- an individual who cood "Recognize Patterns" [a la Arnold J. Toynbee] -- and therefore be capable of predicting Future Occurrences that are well within the Realm of Probability .   Sadly no ---------however ... .

           We ain't a Country that's COMPLETELY  "Down and out" {for the 'Count'} " but I'm CERTAIN "things are-gonna get worse" and they may not be getting better in this Lifetime .   What are we to do with [the Energies of] our Heart Sickness, Rage and FURY ?   Is there an Antidote that we can somehow Ingest that will quiet the Furies = Dirae, Eumenides, Furiae, and Semnae ???   I don't know---but if you press me I must offer MUSIC as a 'means' to dampen the Fires of the Furies .   

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