Wednesday, March 20, 2019

...dying to live...

When the Buddha was on his Death Bed  His students were still pumping Him for Direction.  One Such panic-ed, "What are we to do without You ?"  the Buddha serene-d, "Each of you must find your own Salvation".  I gotta tell ya Kidz, that stopped me DEAD in my tracks. 

Eventually, SWORD was my "Salvation".  Here "Salvation" is NOT "Heavenly Relief Of Suffering", rather, Salvation is  EARTHLY  Relief, and at BEST it's STILL fucking BRUTAL. 

BUT --- and I HATE beginning a paragraph with "But" ---what Sword did was give me a Weapon to combat my own Ignorance.  Sword cleared my Mind and leveled my Head.  Sword "gave" me the fierce tenacity to be AGGRESSIVELY Insane, the GOOD Insane, the One where I am "In Opposition to the World".  Never underestimate Physical STRENGTH, --- there is NO Substitute for HORSE- POWER~~~ even more, NEVER Underestimate Spiritual Superiority, the GOOD Kind, the One of Compassion, Caring, Kindness, and Commiseration--- that of a Bodhisattva Warrior. 

"But wait, there's more" ...

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