Wednesday, March 20, 2019

What we need is a Black Spartacus

I gotta ask, "Where is the Black Army's Spartacus" ?  Where is Hannibal, the Carthaginian Rome Killer ?  You gotta figure, as I do, that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex is Joan d'Arc, a MUCH-YOUNGER version of Elizabeth Warren---certainly she IS a Factor with all the Green New Deal horseshit.   Warren is a self-avowed Capitalist, a SOLID Comrade of my Guy, Burn-y Sanders, but it is exceeding UNLIKE-LY that Either will advance BC of American Frown on all Things Super-Progressive.   Warren rages "School Marm" and Burny furies "Mad Socialist".  Don't misunderstand, Tin Lizzy  and Burn Up ARE MY KIND OF POLITICAL WARRIORS.  I'd fight and die by their sides in a Capa-Socialist MINUTE.  It ain't gonna happen, THEY ain't gonna happen.  Americans have yet to recover from The OLD New Deal.  Republicans still HATE the Universality of Social Security, how are they EVA gonna accept Universal Medical Coverage ? 

Truth is  :::      NO FUCKING WAY.

"Houston ?  We have a problem."

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