Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Grandma Moses and Grampa Knowses

Grand Ma Moses was this elderly Vixen who managed to STUN the Art World with Masterpiece after Masterpiece ~~~  all after the Age of Don't Even Bother.  I want what she had ~~~ a Driving Creative Energy that subsumed the Universe.  Thing is, and you Kidz are PAIN-FULLY Aware, I am exceedingly LAZY so Urgency and I are NOT "Friends" DESPITE the Near Death Advance of Near Death.  Oh well.....

I began my autobiography the First Day of College, it's been downhill ever since.

There ain't nothin' "Special" about my life, it's boring humdrum same as everyone else's :: thing is, I march to the beat of a different hum-drum.  I'm proud of that, if any pride can be found in esoteric commonality. 

Urgency profounds its way into Main-Stream Steve.  I write about the Street and Gutter bc not only did I "Push Books" on the Street, DOOR TO DOOR, I "picked swill" On the Streets of North Attleborough, Mass. and then Marc and I "Pushed Groceries" on the Streets of Downtown Boston for Bob Charles Trans.  I also "Pushed Signs" in Providence, R.I. for Westminster Sand Blasting --- that's how I "found" my Kung Fu Sifu, Charles Babbitt, an X-Pro Boxer who had a Vision of Bruce Lee.

Life is strange and then you're eating a Coney Island Special with a Black Bruce Lee GIANT.

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