Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Did you Kidz "catch" that I made Cortez CORTEX ?  Too funny and totally unintentional although, for sure, it was completely IN-tentional on a subliminal basis.  Oh well.  I like it ~~~ Ocasio-Cortex..... .

Chicks are "coming out of the woodwork" and guppies are coming out from under rocks to be "Contenders".  Everybody considers themselves to be "Worthy".  Tw o words ::   I doubt it.  Chicks are singing the Same Song --it's from the Ancient Youngblood Album "Elephant Mountain" and that song is, "Come together".   Here it is that Old AINT New.  What are we coming together to do, beat on one another for "crumbs off the fat cats' table" ?   It sure SOUNDS as if even THEY can't be sure. 

Far and away --THE Most Unsettling Thing I heard on TV was that "Folks vote for whom they hate the least, NOT for whom they like the most."   Indeed, folks voted for trump BC they HATED Clinton.  You gotta wonder how it can get much worse... .

EVERYBODY wants to "unify" America, No One knows HOW. 

Warren is a Distinguished General, having battled for and achieving Victory of Consumer Protection ---but can she amass an ARMY of devoted Soldiers in the way that Obama marshaled HIS troops ???????  Sanders is the same, can Sanders trap and harness his Legion's Socialism ? 

We know what happened to Burny,  is Liz gonna be different ?

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