Friday, March 8, 2019

Mary Jane sez "HY"...

I got "hy" the other day, thanks to Nurse Mary Jane Putsout, it was the first time since learning I have Cancer cells growing on my prostate and I have MAYBE 5 to Ten years to live.   I didn't know what to expect, whether or not I would be SUPER-bummed-out, or simply morbidly melancholic :::  it WAS weird at first but somehow I settled into a Hy that IZ the Surfacing of Creative Energies ~~~ I write when I'm Hy but not THIS stuff.  I don't want to ruin the Hy by working at this keyboard~~~ that ISN'T where the BEST Energies reside. Listening to Music is PHYSICAL experiential Samadhi that ACTUALIZES a kinetic FOCUS on Vibrations.  "This" causes Stimulation that OPENS your Mind to Universal "Activity", Cosmic Wave-lengths,,  that can be recorded by pen to paper.  I enter them in my Book of Cosmic Revelations...  I USETA just scratch them on my legal pads but now I have like 70,000 such pads and NOW I consider each scratch and scrawl a GEM~~~ THAT'S why I've turned to using real journals.  EZ access ... .

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