Sunday, March 3, 2019


What I am concerned with is the  "Perfect Storm" :::  Failure to be aware of  the PSYCHOLOGICAL  Ramifications of Political Mythology, the inability to understand the true nature of Democratic Socialism, (Socialism's Essence), and the resistance to and FEAR of  the Ascendency of Female AUTHORITY. 
The Empire of Democracy has withered with age, to its now barely   FEEBLE Grotesque.  My HERO, Arnold Toynbee, would insist such decay and degeneration is the result of a LACK of "Creative Energy", Energy that closely parallels "blood transfusions".  Here now the Youthful Energy of O.C, and her ARMY of Millenials, those that "grew up" with Obama's Political Maternalism, that of the Affordable Care Act, AKA "Obama-Cares".  In a perfect "Sense", these Kidz were "brought up" with Socialism, a Socialism circumference-ly described by Democracy.  It can be argued, and I'm GONNA argue it, O.C. is a NEEDED transfusion into the Democratic Body Politic of FRESH BLOOD.  It is SOCIALIST Blood....... .

"Aye, there's the rub."

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