Friday, March 8, 2019


What I DON'T want to do is record my every Death thought and Life malfeasance.  I don't believe they have a place in Polite Society - - What I want to make CERTAIN is that I give you stuff that's "Tried and True", shit that has withstood the "Test of Time", and found to be "Combat Worthy".  Zen Masters are "Empty Mirrors", sort of, and in This, it would be AWESOME if you Kidz were to see yourself in my written images. 

On one of my scraps of paper I found this :::  When you know yourself you immediately recognize your Self in others ---at that instant---you know them.

Authors like my Hero and Mentor, Hermann  Hesse, reveal their Entireties to the World, in an effort of Self Expression, that is their Essence, but this profound Self Expression MANIFESTS as Road Map for the Journey of Life. 

Hesse "saved" me from my Life.  He validated and affirmed my Worst AND my Best.  His Road Map was valid early in my Life and It has Proven Reliability. 

Hesse "gave" me Jungian Psychology and the I Ching.  I am what I am because of HIS Direction.

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