Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Greatness That WAS Babylon

Pelosi has some problems---one of which is SHE'S FREAKING OLD.  She has within her Psyche elements of a ravaged Paternalism which is manifested as "Athena" Complexities, one of THEM is a Devotion to What-Once-Was ,  what I'm gonna call "The Greatness That Was Babylon".  Her blind insistence that "Impeachment is NOT to be considered" DEFINES her as AGE-ED and OUT-OF-TOUCH with THE Revolutionary Tactical MANDATE, the one where you GOTTA kill the snake by SLASHING OFF ITS HEAD !  

Enter Alexandria Ocasio-Coetez , the "O.C" as I like to tag ---and here now a TRUE "Daughter of the Revolution".   Where Pelosi is a MOTHER, birthed herself by ANCIENT Revolutionary Democracy ---she has "given birth" to the O.C. who, at this stage of her life, is constellating Will-full RESISTANCE to Maternal Over-Bear, the one where O.C. QUESTIONS Matriarchal Power with an eye that SHE, can wield the Revolutionary Sword of Joan d'Arc with YOUTHFUL Vehemence, RELEVANCE and POWER.  I stand, Sword in hand, by O.C.'s side.

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