Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The call me Pa Thetic

I'm rite-back where I started 'cept NOW I have all the answers AND the Design that SHOULD resolve the Whelm of Daunt while providing protective coverage from Winter's Icy Blasts, and Spring's Springs of Watery Splash.  The Problem WAS THE SOLUTION after all.  HOW in GOD ZILLA'S fucking name had I forgotten that THAT ?  

So NOW all I hafta do is DO IT~~~ and so now guess what ?  Go ahead ---guess ... . 
I DON'T WANT TO !!!  After all the raging bullshit and yak pus-filled VOMIT, I wanna watch the TV instead of DOING WHAT HAS TO BE DONE. 

They call me Pa Thetic.  I'm the bio-ill-logical father of  "Pro" Crastinate.

I know what you Kidz wanna know, WHAT WAS THE FUCKING ANSWER ?? !! ? !

It's a Secret.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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