Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Sometimes ya just need a bigger hammer...

I've been dyin' to use that title.  I have more than a few drafts of Pallet Dismantling Secrets.  My intention was to reveal The Wisdoms That Surface When Your Mind Is At Rest.  My Guy, Joe Rogan, was coloring an MMA Combat when he issued, "Repetition is POWER".  I'm telling you  That IS Truth.  I take it one further, Repetition reveals SECRETS.  One of those "Secrets" , ESPECIALLY in Pallet Reclamation ,, is the title above, Sometimes you just need a BIGGER Hammer.

I have an array of hammers, from 1.3 pounds to mini-sledges, both carpentral and mechanical.  The lightweights produce "tic-tic-tics" and although extremely valuable for tagging nails, they DO NOT have enough WHAM BAM needed to impact GIANT Movement.  Here, STRENGTH is MANDATORY ~~~ wielding the hammers becomes Conscious WILL to POWER. 

Here's the deal when Trade Secrets are applied to Real World Politics.  It aint gonna be enough to "tic-tic-tic" the Present Government with tiny hammers used by weak armed Boston or Iowan Dandies.  Trump has MAULED America to an UNRECOGNIZABLE and FULLY Dysfunctional DISASTER.  Concerned Citizens and DECENT Folks speak, sparingly, of "Revolution".  REFORMATION is closer to the Truth.  Things need to be REFORMED, that is HAMMERED into place.

Toy hammers are for children... ~~~

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