Wednesday, February 20, 2019


I'm gonna stand shoulder to shoulder with Bernie Sanders and here confess that my Political Foundation is FAR to the "Left" of Sanders'.  I am a MILITANT Idealist whose Political Reality is GLOBAL Utopianism.  Burn-y is as close as I can get to What America NEEDS on the Street and in the Gutters.  Burn-y is my age, speaks the Same Language,, and has NOT wavered from his Personal Idealism.  I don't know if I can ask for anything more.

My job at present is to begin to describe Socialism as an ANTIDOTE for trumpian Rhetorical POISON. 

We THINK in WORDS, Language manipulates our Consciousness.  Therefore, Expressed Ideas govern our Sensibilities.  Physically, trump uses "Socialism" as a DAGGER to the Body-Political Heart of Democratic Americans ---"it" aint JUST a verbal Poison, "it" manifests in TRUMP'S Reality as "Life Threatening".  It ISN'T, of course, how can it be if Socialism's ESSENCE is "Power to the People"   ALL People, assholes INCLUDED ? ( .)

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