Thursday, February 7, 2019

Buy now, Hell later...

I voted for Obama because he promised to "END the Eternal Wars".  He gets in office and the Mil tells him. "YOU AINT ENDED NO FUCKIN' WARS".  Here it is that Democracy ISN'T The Root and Source of Civilized Socio-Political Trajectory but Military Atrocity IZ  !!!!  Understand that according to Obama's Generals there was NO CHANCE at RETREAT, not in Iraq, not in Syria, not in Afghanistan and definitely not in Yemen.  Obama and trump's Dilemma IZ the so-called "Conditioned Non-Conditionality".  Obama expected to control the Mil, to control Diplomatic Foreign Policy,, but "Internal Conditions" caused him to MUTATE into a Drone Assassin. 

When he DID manage to suffocate Iran and cause them to tap out at the Negotiations Table, along came trump and HIS War Mongers to supplant Diplomacy with North Korean Style Savagery.  I ask again, where is Democracy in relation to Foreign Policy ?  What is the TRUE Nature of World Peace and WHO, exactly, gets to deliver that Definition and Execute its Managerial Operations ?

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