Thursday, February 7, 2019


The Deal with Democracy is this :=:  If you lose an election, if your candidate was BEATEN, then Democracy insists YOU MUST SUBMIT TO THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY.  But this Democracy has FAILED.  The American republicans, the shit cans, REFUSED to acknowledge the Core Principle of Democracy, what I have just noted as "The Will of the Majority".  Obama's Tenure is Proof Absolute.  Republicans WALLED Obama and his Voters with Status Quo Political HEDONISM.  Democracy, in its near-sighted to Legally BLIND "vision" became socially paralyzed and this socio-political Paralysis generated an Instinctual PRIMAL Response as Status Quo Protectionism, the one where the people are savagely raped and beaten into an educatorial and financial Slavery. 

Here, Democracy was RAVAGED to "become" the grotesque of National SLAVERY, the One where Minimum Wage is SUBSISTENCE ONLY, the one where Poverty, both Physical and Emotional, GUARANTEES Status Quo Absolute-Ism, the Absolute-Ism of Senatorial Malfeasance and Congressional Malpractice. 

Trumpism IS this American Neo-Slavery Absolute-Ism.

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