Wednesday, February 27, 2019

...they call Her Sin Tits...

I had fastened stuff with screws.  Thing is, the stuff was like Band Aids on  Bleeding Arteries and NOW I couldn't see the Wounds for the bandages, dressings and adhesive compresses and EVERYTHING was gonna take YEARS if not EONS to remove, relocate or discharge.  I HATED myself for "giving in" when I KNEW BETTER at the point of Decision :: do the EZ thing or fuck up and do the STOOPITEST thing, KNOWING I was un-leashing a rabid junk-yard MONGREL that I KNEW would  INEVITABLY  run me down and chaw a chunk outta my ass.   Guess what I did ?      Yup ~~~     Now I have half an ass and Rabies to boot.  Let the good times roll.

By this time I was lashed to my own Mast, a Prisoner of Tempest, seduced, utterly SEDUCED by the Sirens of TITAN, Those That Wail  "Just try this, don't do that, and the blistering Sin-Tits who ravishingly ravaged, "Are you SURE ?"

Well I WAS "Sure" alright ---  Sure I  WASN'T  Sure.  Indecision can knock you around like a goddamn PING-PONG ball and I was being played by "The HAMMER" my Table Tennis HERO. 

Where was I ?

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