Friday, February 1, 2019

"Out To Hunch"

My Guy Fareed Zakaria laments over the "Erosion of the Middle Class" here in America and around the World.  Economic Disparity is signaled as Key to this "Slippage" into the morass of Almost-Poor-But-Not-Yet-Impoverished.  Coupled, almost chained, to Income Inequality is the Migrations From Nothing To EVERYTHING, from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador to America ~~~ from Rumania to Italy ~~~ from Syria to Germany and the Wild, Wild West of the European (Dis) Union.  The Savages and Natives of Indigenous see only Invasion of Foreign Species, Those that would usurp criminal liberality and ravage Existing Resources at the Expense of Nationalistic Well Fare.  Folks are scared fucking SHIT and I find myself among them.

Folks, and I am also among THESE Folks, lose sight of the fact that Migration is ALWAYS Resource based, meaning, as Seasons change, so does the Food Supply, and in order to survive,, a NEW Clime is sought,,, where Game and Vegetation can support whatever size Population is in Need.  Here it is where Migration IS THE NATURAL ORDER of Human Kind.  But in these the Present Times, WORK that PROVIDES the Essentials of Existence is the Ever-Present Scarcity. Here, Work, and the OPPORTUNITY of Work is what DRIVES Folks to LEAVE their Birth Land in an effort to seek-out the Lands of Opportunity, REGARDLESS of the Indigenous Population's lack of stalwart INVITATION.

We can see where Migration MEANS Invasion.

I'm hard-pressed NOT to see it "this way".

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