Saturday, February 9, 2019

TV, The Collective Conscious

I listened the Universe as it described a "Condition" whereby the Planet's Nervous System IZ the Internet. I've had that Thought before.  It was EXTREMELY unsettling, in the EXACT same way that my Notion that TV is, what I have labeled it, the Collective CONSCIOUS.  Elsewhere I proffered that TV ACTS like our Unconscious, generating DREAMS ~ both Wish Fulfillments and NIGHTMARES.  According to Jung, Dreams are a BALANCING Mechanism, that presents Emotional Conflicts that get resolved SOMETIMES  IFF  these Unconscious Obstructions to Mindful Harmony are experienced as CONSCIOUS Perturbations. 

At the End of the Work Day we watch TV.  At the end of the Waking Day, we Dream.  I'm sayin' These Two are Psychologically IDENTICAL.  That's my theory.

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