Thursday, February 7, 2019

...submit or be killed...

I just wanna know what the fuck we're lookin' at here. 

If Democracy is so fucking GREAT, WHY is the Entire Planet on a Global Trajectory to Despotic Authoritarianism ?   The People of America and the Folks of EARTH are feeling that Democracy RIPPED-US THE FUCK OFF .  Where are the jobs ? Where are the Opportunities, Why are SLAVE "wages" the New NORMAL ?   Planetary OUTRAGE exists because Democracy Loving Capitalists, use Democracy to EXPLOIT and RAVAGE Honest Workers, and utilize Democratic PRINCIPLES to advance the Capitalist "Common Good" of SLAVERY Welfare. 

This Deal about the American Civil War ....  Here it was that Democracy, the so-called Will of the Majority, used UNSPEAKABLE Human Atrocity, 637 THOUSAND "Soldiers" SLAUGHTERED, "for" what can be considered Lincoln-Liberality, the One where "All Men Are Created Equal And THAT INCLUDES Black Folks".   Here it was the Democracy employed WAR to FORCE Minority Opposition to submit to Majority Will.  Democracy, at this point, MUST be seen as SAVAGELY VIOLENT at its Inmost Core. 

Don't get me wrong, had I been there I'm certain I would have worn Northern Blue.
What I'm sayin' here is that Democracy AINT so fucking PURE and Condem-Nation  FREE.

Here's all I'm sayin'.  The Reason we're all fucked-up is because Democracy is fucked-up, that's all.

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