If trump was elected ILL-LEGALLY, if he was projected onto Victory by means of RUSSIAN Super-Cyber Intelligence, then his "Presidency" SHOULD be declared "Null and Void". Further, ALL of "Everything he has done", every promotion, every Cabinet Member, every Federal and Supreme Court Judge, should also be summarily DISQUALIFIED and REMOVED from Office, Position or Official Position, IMMEDIATELY. Trump's Presidency is INVALID, making ALL ELSE INVALID AS WELL just to be redundantly redundant---again and again.
Also, it is the Notorious "RIGHT" that has ROBBED our Treasury of over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS and it is THEY, who have declared WAR on the Poor, the Weak, The Infirm, CHILDREN and EVERY American Institution that houses Democratic Idealism within Its Walls, Corridors, Offices and Meeting Rooms. In effect : THEY HAVE DELCARED WAR ON DEMOCRACY and AMERICA itself.
It is THEY who have committed Treasonous GRIEVANCE against the Mind, Body Heart and Soul of the American MAJORITY. Indeed, there IS a "Civil War" and IT is THEIR War on CIVILIZATION, what we venerate as Human Decency.
Nothing remains for US save to declare WAR on War.
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