Friday, February 1, 2019

Ravaging Sardonicism

In The Most Modern of Ancient and Olden Times, (last year), I woulda-been able to juxtapose the Mid-Country Colder-Than-Antarctica-FREEZE-BLAST with the Political FREEZE of humpty-trump-ty's Wall.  I've written elsewhere that there is dire NEED for a new word that can transcend "IMPOSSIBLE".  I must fend off ravaging sardonicism in order to commit to the Scientific (Undeniable)  Gravity of Climate CATASTROPHE and Criminal, Socio-Political DISASTER.  Yet here I am, and There, both of THEM "are". 

A Wise Guy exclaimed, "There's NO such thing as 'coincidence', it would mean that the Universe is EXTREMELY lazy."

You gotta figure, there's "something to that".

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