Monday, February 18, 2019

Frog Crock yesterday was my birthday, I've survived 67 years, I don't know how.

I have a procedure to undergo that will determine if my prostate has an invasion of Cancer ;  Dr. Leddy said it was "50-50".  The LAST thing I want to fend off is a Cancer-ridden thorax :   if I'm gonna die I'd rather the Sword, NOT the scalpel.  I don't want surgery to keep me bed-ridden until I frog out and croak.  Oh well ~ ~ ~ .

The Question "So what have you done with your Life ?"  looms as Dream-Weaving-Fantasia.  I ended thousands of Lifetimes of Alcoholism, but I'm LOATHE to have THAT as "Signature" Tag on my gravestone ... it's remarkably UN-REMARKABLE.

I have left behind a pretty decent size volume of writing.  I've answered the BIG Questions by utilizing ALL my Educations and Experiences -blah-blah-blah.  What I want to "get to" today is the Everyday Rituals that hallmark and BILLOARD the activities that define the Mundane of Routine.  The (My) Writing MUST have a Point of Origin, at least you'd think, it doesn't, so what is it that I do that "makes" me a Conduit for Universal Energy ?  THAT Question interests me greatly. 

It' stupit to try and take credit for what I write and the Ideas that "surface" from an Unconscious Unknown, because THAT is the UNIVERSAL COLLECTIVE that is the Source of ALL Knowledge and Wisdom.

All I do is make myself available to It.

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