Thursday, February 7, 2019

..."Gone, all gone." ...

A Democracy is suppose to be the "Will of the People" , and THAT should be qualified by, "the MAJORITY of the People."  But look what has happened when the MAJORITY of the People did NOT exert RESOUNDING Electoral MANDATE, and some 17,000 trump miscreants exerted MINORITY predatory Influence over the Electoral COLLEGE.  Here, Democracy FAILED, and failed MISERABLY because the Constitution Contractors COULD NOT FORSEE CORRUPTION AS NATIONAL PANDEMIC.  How the fuck COULD they ?   If Democracy elected the most heinous fuck up the World has even known then Democracy MUST be THE MOST HEINOUS RIP-OFF the World has ever experienced. 

I've axed, Where is Athens ?  Where is China ?  Where is Persia ?  Where is Egypt ?  Where is Rome ?  

Joseph Heller's "old man" croaked it best,   "Gone, all gone".

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