I have it in my head that America isn't gonna be "al-right" until Teachers in every classroom have Teachers' Aids, and each village, hamlet, town and municipality have their own Rubbish and Trash Collection "Agency". I want Town Jobs to BE "Town Jobs", and I want the Locals to manage these Obvious Necessities with Sophisticated Dignity. Money generated by Local Taxation should be used to develop and maintain the Local Industry that IZ Municipal Government. For instance, some of the Folks in my High School became Police Officers, and Road Scape "Technicians". Commendable on ANY Level... The Town provided a "Good" Life, with an Income that afforded Family, Home, Medical Security and Retirement Planning. These "These" were available BY Town's-Folks FOR Town's-Folks because it was NATURAL in this kind of Society. Here, "Natural" implies "Common Sense-ical".
I'm a Simpleton. I view Simplicity as the Refinement of Intellectual Sophistication~~~ William Ockham had it RIGHT ~ ~ ~ I am one of his, only with a Sword.
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