Monday, February 25, 2019

"Mirror, mirror, on the Wall..."

My Guy and Hero, Fareed Zakari, went Existential.  He complained that  IF The O-C and the democrats employed the SAME tactics, techniques and strategies of the republicans, those of Deceit, Deception, Truth Invalidations and Willful Ignorance,  THEN   Where does that leave the Rest of Us ? ... the Rest of Us being American Society, Culture and Civilization.  

Here's MY response, "IT" leaves us on EQUAL FOOTING and EQUALLY ARMED.

If you "Enter The Octagon" empty handed, armed with only "We must fight fair", and your opponent brings knives and wears cesti, you are gonna be beaten sense-less and into a bloody pulp. 

In Modern Times, Truth, Sound Reasoning, Logic and Higher Order Rationality has NO PLACE in American Politics ----indeed, when did they EVA ? ! ? !! ???

ALL of us "Good" guys have witnessed our Allies being beaten and battered because,
"Nice Guys finish last" or, they don't get to finish at all.

Fareed and Lady Obama don't get it.  "Taking the 'High Road' " aint gonna cut it.  It means to try and circumvent PHYSICAL VERBAL ABUSE, an Abuse at which trump has PROVEN commands Electoral Superiority. 

Trump fully comprehends that Words ARE  "Sticks and Stones".  He's already beaten the best the rats had.


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